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Discussion » Questions » Humor and Jokes » How many times do you think Noah’s wife asked him (or begged him) to just pull over and ask for directions? ~

How many times do you think Noah’s wife asked him (or begged him) to just pull over and ask for directions? ~

Posted - March 18, 2021


  • 10788
    Don't you mean nagged?

    Methuselah asked for directions.  Enoch asked for directions.  But does my husband?  Noooooo!  It was bad enough having to listen to pouring rain for 40 days and nights because YOU insisted it was only a shower!  Now we've been stuck inside this floating cesspool for god knows how long, all because YOU are too stubborn to pull over and ask for directions!  "It'll only be a short trip", you said.  "You won't smell the animals at all", you said.  "Our kids don't get seasick", you said!  PFFT!!!  Oh, and I KNOW you hit something a few weeks back, we all heard and felt it.  But did you stop?  Noooooooo!  You just started slinging birds out the windows.  I'm sure that raven you chucked out yesterday asked for directions.  I didn't see HIM coming back!  He's probably out there enjoying himself while we're probably going to end up on some stupid mountaintop in the middle of nowhere! 
      March 18, 2021 5:05 PM MDT