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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When things don't quite fit and look a bit strange we try to find the reason(s). Speculation, rumors, truth or lies?

When things don't quite fit and look a bit strange we try to find the reason(s). Speculation, rumors, truth or lies?

FOOTOO is not the father of Barron. A Russian NBA basketball player is. Allegedly. This accounts for his extreme height
Barron suffers from Autism which accounts for his absence, his silence, his reticence. He avoids shaking hands and does not look people in the eye. He averts his gaze. Allegedly.

True of Faux? Do we KNOW? We know what we are told but the tellers are well-known LIARS.

When Melania started talking about bullying was it because Barron was being bullied due to his autism or something else that the other kids thought strange?

Once upon a time FOOTOO spoke of a lovely 2 year old child who was healthy and fine then got vaccinated and came down with Autism. Causal connection or specious manufacturing? Was FOOTOO talking about Barron?

I don't know. At 14 his personality and character should be noticeable. His place in the world. Will he always be sidelined silent emotionless or will he come out of his shell and speak out and speak up and lay to rest the rumors of his "situation"?

You don't attack the ill the lame the mentally deficient. That is unkind. FOOTOO does it all the time of course.  How does he relate to Barron? Does he love the boy or just ignore him and tolerate him? Does Barron even know what's going on around him or does he live in that special world Autistics inhabit?

Is he being cared for as he should be and loved as he deserves to be or is he just another casualty?

Posted - March 21, 2021


  • 33842
    I think we should leave the politicans young children alone. 
      March 21, 2021 6:37 AM MDT

  • 33842
    If Barron is some basketball player's son....he must have been a Trump relative. 

    Look at the nose and the ear. 
      March 21, 2021 7:00 AM MDT