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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What is "HOT" is flexible depending. What is HOT in August in Hemet is not the same as what is HOT in March almost April. TRUE FOR YOU TOO?

What is "HOT" is flexible depending. What is HOT in August in Hemet is not the same as what is HOT in March almost April. TRUE FOR YOU TOO?

No brainer.

Posted - March 28, 2021


  • 10560

    This is a fun one.

    How come 70 degrees outside in January feels warm, but 70 degrees in July feels cool?  After all, temperature is temperature. 


    70 degrees is 70 degrees - whether it's in December or August, March or October.  It’s not as if we have different thermometers for each season.  Now although there are many factors that make us feel warm or cool - such as humidity, how much fat we have, sweat, heat transfer, air movement, etc. – the real reason why 70 feels different at different times is actually in our head… that is to say, our brain.  We don’t spend a lot of time in one specific temperature zone.  We move around.  In so doing our brains make temperature comparisons.  70 inside the house feels very warm compared to 40 outside.  Then again, 70 in one room feels cooler compared to 80 in another room.  It’s not the temperature that changed (70 is still 70), rather what we compared it to has changed.  In January, our brains compare temperatures to what’s happening to us in January – not in July (and vice versa). 

    Oh, and if you want the science content – (I edited the following part out of the above comment)

    What is temperature?  Temperature is the measurement of the energy emitted by the movement of molecules.  The faster they move the more energy they give off; the slower the less.  We call this energy “heat”.  So when you look at a thermometer to see how cold it is outside, you’re really seeing how much less heat there is.  What we refer to as “cold” is simply the absence of heat.

      March 28, 2021 4:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Besides being filled with information this is a really fun approach m'dear. Because you're right! I mean 70 is 70 whenever it's 70. But why does one 70 feels "warm" and another 70 feel "cool"? It's in our head! OY VEY! It's relative to something else. Is everything always relative to something else Shuhak? Do our minds automatically try to find comparisons? Why does the same thing taste very good one day and on another occasion not so hot? Our tastebuds are whimsical? If we're "in the mood" for something or if we're not it changes everything? Oh boy. More to ponder upon. Thank you for an informative and lively reply. The ambient temperature is in the thermometer? Do you feel warmer when you KNOW it's 95? Inquiring minds wanna know. Happy Monday to you! :)
      March 29, 2021 1:56 AM MDT

  • 10560

    A thermometer is only a measuring device, like a yardstick, a speedometer, or a scale.  And yes, a person can "feel" warmer (or cooler) based on the temperature number they see on a thermometer.  This "phantom feeling" is caused because we tell ourselves that a certain number on a thermometer will feel a certain way.  Say a room is 72 degrees.  A person sees that numenbr on a thermometer and feels comfortable.  Now say that the temperature that the thermometer is artificially altered to read 67, but the actual temperature remains at 72.  Some people, upon seeing 67 on the thermometre, will think they feel cooler.  Likewise, if the thermometer were altered to read 78 (even though the actual temperature remained at 72), some people would feel warmer.  This is especially true for thermostat settings.


    Our sense of taste relies heavily on smell.  {Test - Hold your nose and taste random foods.  You'll be surprised at what you can't taste.} It also relies on sight.  {Do the same test only this time close your eyes too (so you don't know what you're eating) and you'll find you'll have an even harder time tasting.}  But wait... it gets weirder.  Our sense of taste can be altered by our emotions as well.  That chocolate cake tasted so good when you were happily eating it with friends. Yet somehow it doesn't taste quite the same when you're eating it alone.  Our sense of taste can also be altered by circumstances.  Say it's been such a hectic day that you couldn't even stop for a bite of lunch... and now you're super  hungry!  You have a craving for pizzas, so you stop in at a little pizza place on you way home.   The pizza is so delicious!  You've never tasted anything so good!  A week later you're out shopping, and you decide to stop in at the same pizza place.  Yet, for some reason the pizza isn't nearly as good as you remember it being before.  You probably just tell yourself that it was a different cook.  Truth is, the time before, you were hungry and had a craving... and the food "hit the spot".  This time, circumstances are different.  Same pizza, different circumstances, different "taste". 

      March 29, 2021 10:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Kind of like a PLACEBO? It is what you think it is not what it really is. Fiddling around with our measuring devices to manipulate our thoughts? Like the butcher putting his thumb on the scale so he can charge you more? "The mind is a terrible thing to waste." It is so very impressionable. There are no walls or blocks to protect you. Which is why crackpots get other crackpots to believe crackpot theories. All those minds are wasted because they have been infected with propaganda. Here's what I want to know. Why are some minds so easily pretzelized by whatever propaganda is fed to them? Lack of intelligence? A huge need to believe and belong? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your very thoughtful and informative reply Shuhak. You hit all my buttons with that one! :)
      March 30, 2021 3:42 AM MDT

  • 10560
    A thermometer inst a placebo.  Its simply a measuring device.  Our minds, however, are another thing.  If we don't like something, we can inset what want to be there instead.  In other words we lie to ourselves.  If keep telling that lie to ourselves long enough, eventually we'll believe it.  A butcher with his thumb on a scale is purposefully defrauding his customers.  He's not lying to himself,  well unless he tells himself its perfectly legal.
    The human mind is VERY impressionable!  We like to imitate those around us.  Children imitate their parents - good or bad.  Imitating others helps to feel like we "fit in" (and people long to "fit in").  This is why conspiracy theories are so easily spread.  Although minds are impressionable, they also have a provision meant to keep this in check.  It's called common sense.  We hear/see something, hold it up to what we already know and'or can see around us, and then judge as to whether we think it's valid or invalid.  Practical or not.  True or false.  It's not infallible, but if continually honed it does a fairly good job.  Unfortunately, most people no longer have common sense... rather, they no longer use it.  But they still long to "fit in". This is why people are so easily fooled by lies and crackpot theories.  It takes a lot of effort to check if what they're hearing is valid.  It's much easier just to "go with the flow". The more people the bigger the flow.  The bigger the flow, the more people it'll attract ("if they all believe it then it must be correct"). 
      March 30, 2021 11:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Against what do we measure devices that measure? How do we know if those "standards" are accurate to begin with Shuhak? Allegedly scales are "calibrated" regularly. How do we know the device used to calibrate it is accurate? Drives me crazy trying to figure that one out. In the beginning someone invented something to do something. And everything later on was built on that. It's just like THE BIG BANG. What was the catalyst? What created that catalyst and the one before and the one before and the one before? In the beginning there was nothing. How is that possible? Or everything that is always was and will be. How does THAT make sense. I wish to goodness I could turn my mind off and make it stop asking but I have no control over it. None. It goes where it darn well pleases. Do you control your mind or does it carry you wherever it pleases too? Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Shuhak!:)
      April 1, 2021 5:14 AM MDT