Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When does FIRE SEASON begin where YOU live? So far there are no raging fires in California or Australia like last year! This year who knows?
Oh no. Nothing like that. Different climate. CA is supposed to burn each year. You have trees there that produce seeds that only fire will open to reproduce. Less acres of land burn each now than before humans settled in CA.
I don't doubt you but it's hard to believe that you have to have a fire to open seeds to reproduce. That is a bit much for me. You have to destroy to create? How does that make any sense? Thank you for your reply! :)
It is just what the trees adaptered to because of the climate. Fires are also good for the forests clears out all the underbrush and removes dead trees etc for new growth.
That part I knew sweetie. They have 'controlled' periodic burns for that I think. But having to have fires to open seeds so more trees will grow just seems wrong to me. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
We don't seem to have forest or bush fires in England - perhaps because it doesn't get hot enough.
We have heath and moorland fires, which are sometimes set deliberately by landowners in order to maintain heather moorland for grouse shooting or grazing land. This is done in a controlled, rotational way in small patches, burning off the old, coarse vegetation and encouraging the growth of new shoots. It is controversial because of possible effects on biodiversity, drainage and water quality, and the inevitable release of greenhouse gases. Moorland is only a semi-natural habitat, and if left untended for decades much of it would eventually become forest. Campaigners have also questioned whether grouse shooting is really a wise use of the land anyway since it is an activity enjoyed mainly by the super-rich and generates few jobs. However, heather moorland is appreciated by hikers and day-trippers for its scenic quality when in bloom, and it's unlikely that it will be allowed to revert to forest any time soon.