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Ever reply to a question with a question? Why didn't you answer it instead?

Posted - March 30, 2021


  • 10991
    No I like answering the question and staying on topic. Cheers!
      March 30, 2021 9:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I know and really APPRECIATE THAT BIGLY and HUGELY! Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Thursday to thee and thine! :)
      April 1, 2021 8:16 AM MDT

  • 44559
    I used to do that a lot in the classroom. I wanted the students to think instead of me just giving them the 'answer'.
      March 30, 2021 1:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    In Junior College I took a PHILOSOPHY class and the teacher did exactly that! Once I confronted him for doing that. At one point he questioned my question and I said something to the effect that "You are the teacher. I am the student. You have the knowledge. I don't. Which is why you should tell us what you think and not turn it around on us and ask us what we think." Mouthy I admit but he took it very well. In fact he cracked up and so did the class. He told us what he thought and why and a very lively discussion ensued. I was 18. Years later after a marriage/divorce in my early 20's I bumped into him at night school. I was taking LOGIC and ECONOMICS. I told him about a project I was given at work (to find a common denominator among all religions so that anyone with any beliefs would feel comfy in a house of worship. My architect boss was commissioned to design 12 of them in the US by a member of the Mudd family.) Any way the next night when I got home from work I found several books between the screen and the door at my apartment. From him. On the subject of comparative religion. Of course I called and thanked him and we ended up dating for awhile. Imagine that? Why am I telling you thins? Because I wanted to! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine. This post was edited by RosieG at April 1, 2021 7:54 AM MDT
      April 1, 2021 3:36 AM MDT