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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nothing is REAL save that which we create. At least that is what we are told. Nothing exists except what we think exists. Do you think so?

Nothing is REAL save that which we create. At least that is what we are told. Nothing exists except what we think exists. Do you think so?

All all "realities" equally valid?

Just as the words in a book exist only in the head of the author till written down.
Or a cartoon strip exists only in the head of the cartoonist till transferred to paper.

We all carry within us potential realities. What is it that causes us to take a specific path? We don't even know where we're going save that we all have the same end station we call death. Is getting there always in our control or are we being controlled and just don't know it?

Posted - April 7, 2021
