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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What america needs is a vaccine to protect against COWARDICE/FEAR. Eliminate that and guess what?

What america needs is a vaccine to protect against COWARDICE/FEAR. Eliminate that and guess what?

There would be no gun problem. There would be rare if any massacres. Rare if any murders. Rare if any "heat of passion" extermination.


Grab a gun. They're always available. Got a problem? Grab a gun and use it. Hate someone? Grab a gun and shut him up. Dislike someone? Grab a gun and use it and see what happens.

Grab a gun grab a gun
It's so fun it's so fun it's so fun
Always use it and don't refuse it
Number one don't forget always carry loaded gun

Anthem for them. Never be away from home without a loaded gun. Also at night always have a loaded gun within reach. ALWAYS AND FOREVER FAITHFUL AND LOYAL.

Of course. It's a way scary world out there. The only thing that protects you for death is grabbing your loaded gun and shooting someone.

The more guns we have the less violent crime and gun-related massacres, right? That's the spin. We are told if everyone had guns no one would dare shoot anyone.

So the problem isn't a plethora of gun but a dearth. A fixable problem. Mandate that everyone living in america be armed at all times. At every age that they can walk. Problem solved.

Posted - April 9, 2021


  • 2706
    Guns are not the problem people are. Guns are nothing but a tool and in the hands of one man, they can be used to maintain freedom and protect the family. While in the hands of another it’s a potential weapon of mass destruction.

      Gun-control and gun confiscation measures affect only the law-abiding citizens who are lawful gun owners. They do nothing to stop the criminal element. Gun control isn’t about guns or safety. It’s about control of the people. Gun Control is a euphemism for "disarm the public" The real purpose is to leave only "officials" armed.

      Gun control has always been controversial. And there’s a reason it’s controversial — gun control doesn’t work. If gun control only stopped criminals and made the world safe, there would be no controversy at all. But that’s not the case, is it? It remains among the most controversial of political policies and there’s a reason, and I repeat: It doesn’t work as advertised.

      Most new gun-control proposals are met with outrage and opposition because they assault personal freedom under some guise. Frequently, the promoted purpose and actual effect are totally different. If those opposed to gun rights revealed their true purposes, few people would support them, so lies, deceit, and misdirection are typically needed to gain support.

     Gun registration has no component that fights crime. Writing down everyone’s name doesn’t affect criminals.
      April 9, 2021 9:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Standard script. Heard it before. The fact remains America has more gun-related massacres than any other country in the entire world! Why? Because it has the most guns of any other country in he world!

    REFUTE THAT if you can. Sheesh. I expected more than that from you. Oh well. Thanks.
      April 10, 2021 4:44 AM MDT