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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » George W. Bush got us into a war in Afghanistan and said he'd get us out. 20 years later we're still there. Will BIDEN get us out?

George W. Bush got us into a war in Afghanistan and said he'd get us out. 20 years later we're still there. Will BIDEN get us out?

Bush...8 years
Obama...8 years
Footoo...4 years

that's 20 years folks.


Biden has a planned pullout date. Is he full of sh** too like his predecessors? Or is he finally THE REAL DEAL. The guy who ACTUALLY DOES WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL?

Posted - April 14, 2021


  • 6023
    If you're worried about political ramifications, it's always easier to get the military IN a situation than to get them OUT of a situation.

    We didn't get out of VietNam because we shouldn't have gone there in the first place, or because our military was losing (it wasn't) ... but because the politics of staying there finally got to the point of risking elections.

    There has been no such political risk for Afghanistan (or any other theater), since VietNam.

    Also, staying in {whatever} military theater tends to result in more money spent on the "military-industrial complex" ... which has it's own political ramifications.
    IE: More spending on weapon systems generally equates to politicians being able to claim they "saved / brought jobs to my district". This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at April 15, 2021 1:17 AM MDT
      April 14, 2021 12:15 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh Walt! AARRGGHH. "Follow the money"? Is there anywhere that doesn't apply? We shouldn't have gone into Afghanistan. They didn't 9/11 us the Saudis right? Yet presidents are in bed with THEM and hold hands with them and cover up their responsibility for torture beheading etcetera. It is confusing to say the least. On the dole. On the take. WHERE'S THE MONEY? SHOW ME THE MONEY! So if money were out of the equation entirely where would be? Eliminate LOVE OF MONEY and what's left? .Thank you for your helpful and informative reply. I was just thinking LOVE OF OIL..WHERE'S THE OIL? SHOW ME THE OIL? What if oil never existed? Would our world be a better place? I shall ask. :)
      April 15, 2021 1:24 AM MDT

  • 6023
    My first thought of "what if oil never existed" ... we wouldn't have modern transportation, and would still be in the steam ages. 
    So we would have likely deforested the planet like the MidEast, before we learned to replant what we cut down.

    But then, we used oil even before the steam age.  EG: to make grease for wheels.
    So we would be stuck in an agrarian society, with few medicines other than plants.

    But no matter how far back we go in history, we find nations fighting over resources ... rather than diplomatically sharing them.
    So it's not just money or oil.  Unfortunately, it seems to be human nature to want to violently take what others have.
      April 15, 2021 8:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    SIGH. Oh. Right. Violence is often the preferred route homo saps take. And wanting what others have whether you need it or not? Just the way folks are. Thank you for your analysis Walt. It's disappointing. Not you. What you state. Isn't it? I wonder. Did the first homo sap raise his fist to attack or put his hand out to shake the hand of the other? I'll ask. We don't know but well, what do you think?
      April 15, 2021 8:39 AM MDT

  • The "war" in Afghanistan isn't really a war, it's a military occupation with no need to end. I'm sure there will be another excuse to stay there. Prepare to hear "the situation on the ground has changed" or something like that as the date approaches. A promise to get out of Afghanistan is a good thing for a candidate to say around election time, but as Walt points out, there's no real political risk to staying there, so they don't have to keep that promise. 
      April 14, 2021 12:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    AARRGGHH! Being there does what for the USA NB? No need to be there. No need to not be there? Politics at its finest? Does anything ever change? Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine m.dear! :)
      April 15, 2021 1:26 AM MDT