Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» New acronym for a newly formed coalition. "AFPAST". AMERICA FIRST PRESERVE ANGLO SAXON TRADITION. HALFA**ED AFPAST?
Well m'dear people like that are racists/white supremacists/bigots. Everyone not exactly like them is "THE ENEMY". After FOOTOO brought racism out in the open and worthy of expressing you will see where all the warts in our country are. They fight everything and everyone all the time that threatens their preferred way of life. The whiter you are the brighter you are the more racist you are. There is no such thing a being "too racist". For them the sky's the limit. Their red state governors have already passed laws that LIMIT voting rights of those people they want to stifle. The ones who will never vote them. Something like 47 states are working on that allegedly. Limit voting to bright whites. They can't win them over so they will "do them in". There's a question there. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)