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For all gun people. Have you ever experienced a situation where having your loaded gun and using it saved your life or the life of others?

Posted - April 20, 2021


  • 6023
    A couple times.

    Once, I was walking my dog at a large park (Ft Stevens, Oregon) and came around a blind corner - and startled a bull elk.
    It pawed the ground to show it's intent, and I pulled my .357 magnum revolver and fired ... startling the bull long enough to go back around the corner and take cover behind a large tree.

    The other time, I was walking my dog around the neighborhood when I lived near an airport.
    A neighbor was out working on their jacked-up truck, and left his gate open.
    His dog was known to be vicious, and they normally kept it locked in the house (where it had attacked their kids numerous times, stupid adults).
    But the dog got out and came towards us.
    After yelling the adults at the truck to get their dog, and them ignoring the issue, I pulled my .357 magnum revolver and shot at the dog.
    Luckily for the dog, it had lunged at the same time and I shot it in the butt rather than the head ... and it retreated back home.
    The idiots called the po-po on me.  But the police sided with me, after they took everybody's statements.

    - - -

    One of my uncles had to use a firearm to defend against a gang of bikers, in the 1970s.
    He didn't have to shoot, as he carried an old (restored) "stagecoach gun".  
    Like the double-barreled shotgun you see in old westerns.

    My dad and another uncle were hunting and had to defend themselves against a bunch of wild dogs.
      April 20, 2021 3:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your helpful and informative reply Walt. There is nothing like personal experience to help others understand where you are coming from. The first time you didn't shoot AT you only shot to make noise and that was enough. The second time you could have been savaged so you shot AT in self defense. You didn't kill the threat just upset its goal. A gang of bikers would scare me...especially HE**'S ANGELS. Mebbe it's mostly hype and they are all just cuddly and sweet. Mebbe not. Happy Wednesday to thee and thine m'dear! :)
      April 21, 2021 5:08 AM MDT

  • 2706
      Thankfully no, I've never had to use my firearm. Could the day come when I may have to use it? Yes, which is why I keep myself trained in its use and why it's always well-maintained and loaded. I do this not so much for myself but for the protection of my family and for others that may need protection.

     We are living in a time where criminals are coddled and the law-abiding innocent civilians are being harassed and attacked by the coddled criminals and by our own government that coddles them. The 2nd Amendment was put into the Constitution for these very reasons. And the bleeding heart liberals hate it because for them gun control isn't about safety but rather about control of the populous. As always, this is my opinion.
      April 21, 2021 1:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Your opinions are so right-wing automatic robotic ru. Reminds of Hitler and the SIG HEIL that everyone all the time must do to "belong". No independent thinking from you at all. Standard typical average "bleeding heart liberals". Sheesh. Is that really the best you can do? Thanks and Happy Wednesday to you and yourn.
      April 21, 2021 2:49 AM MDT

  • 2706
    First, what is a bleeding heart liberal? Common characteristics of these people include, but are not limited to: a devoted passion for protesting largely meaningless issues, "hating just about every value that America was founded on", valuing political correctness more than the truth, and their most defining feature, the ability to get offended by almost anything. Case in point: Your "Sheesh, is that the best you can do" response.

      Speaking of Hitler. If you read history, you will find parallels between gun prohibition in pre-Nazi and Nazi Germany, with the attempts to prohibit types of gun ownership and implement other forms of gun prohibition and bans in the United States today. Who is largely responsible for these attempted gun prohibitions in the United States today?

     Those who are largely responsible are the bleeding heart liberal left Democrats of course. You know the anti-Constitutional people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden,  Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, etc. My opinions of what the left-wing bleeding heart liberals are doing to this country are based upon what they are trying to do to my Constitutional rights. One of which is my Constitutional 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. And you know this. You have always known this.

      My God-given rights are precious to me. My rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution are precious to me. And anyone that tries to take away those freedoms and rights is in my eyes, a traitor to this nation. Most importantly, those who are trying to take away the rights and freedoms given to me by God Almighty will, at some point in time, have to face Him.

      April 21, 2021 1:41 PM MDT

  • 19938
    The Second Amendment was enacted for civilians to protect themselves against an over-zealous government.  
      April 21, 2021 1:34 PM MDT