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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What do you do with those who view every LIBERAL as a "bleeding heart"? The viewers are reactionaries programmed and petrified. Know any?

What do you do with those who view every LIBERAL as a "bleeding heart"? The viewers are reactionaries programmed and petrified. Know any?


Of, pertaining to, marked by or favoring reaction esp.



A reverse action or tendency. An action in reverse direction or manner.

They pray for the days of yesterday when slaves were standard issue property and women were not allowed to vote or own property and were entirely dependent upon white men to guide them brainwash them control them. The women of the that day where slaves too only they were of the "right" color. WHITE.

Ah yes those were the days. All white racists are reactionaries. All hate group members are reactionaries. All voting rights destroyers are reactionaries. There was a time when there was no such thing as a  "black" vote. I believe slaves were considered to be 2/3 of a person and were simply property whites owned.

Yes the REACTIONARIES get up every day with one thing in mind. Stop the progress. Go back to the way it was. They pray to GOD for that. They gather together in cabals to plan how to achieve that.

Will they succeed? I have no idea. It won't be with my consent.

Posted - April 21, 2021


  • 19938
    Unfortunately, a Liberal is equated with being a Socialist.  Harry S Truman said it better than I ever could.

      April 21, 2021 1:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    This is awesome sweetie. I had not heard that or if I ever did I forgot. I will never understand why Conservatives are against helping those who need help. "The rich are different from you and me" I suppose applies. It never has made any sense to me. "Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people." I wonder WHY? Thank you for this graphic L and boy it should hang on the wall of every home! :)
      April 22, 2021 2:01 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Well, it would appear that at one time, Conservatives must have agreed with Democrats in order to get all those laws on the books.  Today, however, it seems that Conservatives have taken the position that they have theirs and to heck with anyone else.  They think everyone should be able to stand on their own two feet and not have to be taken care of by others.  In some ways, I believe that, too, but I also know that through no fault of their own, some people fall on hard times and need assistance.  I also know that there are those who work more than one job and still have trouble making ends meet.  There should be no reason why someone who works 40 hours or more can't take care of their family.  
      April 22, 2021 9:20 AM MDT

  • 33840
    Yes anyone working 40 hrs a week should be able to take care of their family.  (This rate should be based on the area, not nationwide...what I need to live in MO or IL would not touch what is needed for NY)

    And large companies should be penalized (taxed/fined) who hire 50 part time employees when they only needed 10 full time employees.  Instead, they get a kick back because they person is not longer on unemployment or cannot qualify for assistance but still does not have enough.  
    When their worker get welfare it is really the company getting welfare to supplement their payroll that they are not paying. 

    Conservatives do not mind people who work getting assistance....that is what it is for.  (Of course, the work requirement should only apply to able bodied, mentally capable, working age people)
      April 22, 2021 9:57 AM MDT

  • 19938
    The mistake we make relative to people who are able to work but can't earn enough to take care of themselves and their families is that we just about force them to stop working completely in order for them to be eligible.  Instead of welfare, we should be giving them supplemental income.  You go out and earn as much as you can.  If you earn $500 a week and you need $700 a week, we will give you $200.  Not we make you stop working and give you $700.
      April 22, 2021 2:20 PM MDT

  • 33840
    Yep. And we will cut them off it they make just $20 extra one week. Stupid.
      April 22, 2021 2:35 PM MDT

  • 19938
    Counter-intuitive in my opinion.  
      April 22, 2021 5:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know what I despise? The very obscenely wealthy who have their hands out 24/7 and screw the system to get more money depriving those in need from having it. The subsidies (tax credits) and the payments to the wealthy that come in the form of FARM SUBSIDIES. If there is a free meal somewhere they push ahead in line and get it first and most and if there are any crumbs left they leave it for others. Disgusts me and I DESPISE them. With FOOTOO it was government by the rich for the rich and everyone else could go suck eggs. With FOOTOO gone it still prevails among the GOP in spades. Government for the wealthy by the wealthy WHITES preferred. But if you have enough money and vote FOOTOO you can be black as licorice and you will be allowed in to the club. Just writing this is upsetting so I'm gonna knock it off! Thank you for your reply L! :)
      April 23, 2021 2:45 AM MDT

  • 19938
    The truth is that both sides of the aisle avail themselves of "pork" when it comes to handouts.  I seriously doubt there are many poor Democrats.  
      April 23, 2021 8:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Are you serious? Those whose voting rights are being severely restricted are poor. People of color usually vote for Democrats so that is the why of all the red state voting RESTRICTION new laws. The Republicans cannot win them over fairly squarely so what they have to do is disenfranchise them which they are successfully doing. I cannot believe you said what you said L. I'm not rich. I'm not starving. We can pay our bills. We live within our means. Hopefully we will not outlive our meager retirement investments. Hopefully the Republicans will not steal money from social security because if that stops we are in trouble. Millions of folks like us. Millions in ever direr states of financial distress. "I seriously doubt there are many poor Democrats". Golly. I had no idea you thought that. Thank you for your reply.
      April 24, 2021 4:06 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I thought you were referring to GOP politicians.  My mistake in not being clear that I meant politicians who are Democrats.   This post was edited by SpunkySenior at April 25, 2021 3:13 AM MDT
      April 24, 2021 8:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I don't know the stats L but my view of Republican pols is selfish greedy money-hungry hoors who will do/say anything to make a buck. I do not view Democrats who are pols that way. At all. Of course some are but in general no. So I take excpetion to what you said though I have no statistics to prove me right or you right. Dems in general don't go into politics to get rich. Like teachers. They go in to do good to help to make a difference. Not line their pockets with money however they can. You could be right. I could be wrong. But if I'm wrong I will be heartbroken. Thank you for your reply  Happy Sunday to thee and thine. Selfish money hungry hoor I attach to Republican pols in general and republicans in particular. I despise anyone who is selfish and a money-hungry hoor. FOOTOO and his adoring worshippers all value money over anything else. I write them off as being of no value at all except for what they can get out of it for themselves. Excellent Republicans but lousy human beings. Am I right? I have no idea. It's what  I think feel believe though. OKAY. I will stop beating that dead horse. I think you equate all pols. I don't. No worries.
      April 25, 2021 3:21 AM MDT

  • 33840
    Dems do not go into politics to get

    They certainly got there though.   Look at Pelosi and Waters.  Waters has a 6mil dollar home outside of her district. (I think there should be a law that requires Representatives to live in the district they respresent)   
      April 25, 2021 6:02 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I believe there are more Republicans that are selfish and go into politics for the wrong reasons, but that doesn't excuse the Democrats who take advantage of their positions.  Once again, we will agree to disagree. :)  Happy Sunday. :)
      April 25, 2021 12:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    No worries. I view dems are being the white hat good guys/gals and the FOOTOO GOP as being the black hat bad guys/gals. There are NO exceptions to that for the FOOTOO GOP. NONE. Those who opted out of the Republican party because of the way FOOTOO infected it and diseased it and murdered it have my respect. Thank you for your reply L! :) I know there are some bad guy dems. But percentagewise? No contest.
      April 26, 2021 2:48 AM MDT