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I think Harry S. Truman was the most underestimated president America ever had. What leader of your country was surprising in a good way?

Posted - April 22, 2021


  • 16647
    Truman was a butcher, a monster who needlessly destroyed two cities with Hell weapons to send a massive "up yours" to the Russians.
    Under the Pottsdam agreement, the Soviet Union was to enter the Pacific theatre on August 15, 1945. Truman nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki (prime target was Kyoto but cloud cover made sighting impossible) for no other reason than to make the Japanese holler "Uncle" before the Russkies got there. Japan was on the point of surrendering anyhow, Hirohito didn't want the Russians invading (and most likely declaring Japan another Soviet Socialist Republic) any more than the Americans did. Truman unleashed nuclear weapons to make it a moot point and keep the Soviets out if it.
      April 22, 2021 2:30 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You make it sound as if Truman ENJOYED it and licked his chops during and after it R. You don't think he did it with a heavy heart? Now much of the time you KNOW more about my country's history than I do. I will give you that. But do you think Harry Truman was a crook corrupt and liar? Don't you think he consulted with the military and our allies before he ordered that done? It surely wasm't a unilateral decision he made all alone on his own. Was it? I mean he looked kinda like a milquetoast. Ordinary average typical. I don't see hm as a dynamic assertive controlling leader. That's what I read into what you wrote so how about another go at it? Would we have been better off without a Truman? I know. Impossible to answer. Thank you for your informative reply m'dear. SIGH. Another clay-foot idol crashes and burns! :( This post was edited by RosieG at April 22, 2021 3:33 AM MDT
      April 22, 2021 3:32 AM MDT

  • 16647
    His brain might have been slightly turned by what happened at Alamogordo, NM - but the result of that test left him itching for any reason to do it again. He certainly was anything but a "milquetoast", given that he earned the sobriquet "Give 'em Hell Harry" for reasons having nothing to do with turning Hiroshima into a radioactive abbatoir. 
      April 22, 2021 3:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I just Googled it R and you are right. It was HIS decision. He had 4 options. I'm going to ask a question with regard to that. He wanted to end the war and stop the deaths of American soliders, most of whom were grateful he did because it insured their survival. I tried to see if the military and our allies agreed with that decision but couldn't find anything. When I say milquetoast prior to his becoming president he was pretty much ignored wasn't he? A silent quiet unassuming cipher. I don't think he thrilled excited and overjoyed about it. It seemed to be a pragmatic decision. Anyway thank you for the info you provided and your take on it R. I appreciate it. Here comes the question! :)
      April 22, 2021 4:19 AM MDT