Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I don't do revenge/retaliation. DO YOU? Know what I always wondered? Is it as satisfying as you hoped it would be?
No. Never have. Oh, I still get plenty angry with people. But as much as it tempts me sometimes, I refuse to take revenge on anyone. That's not for me to do ("I will take revenge, says the Lord; I will pay them back!").
I always figured it hurt the revenger/retaliater far more than the target. Any negative emotion will do that and I just don't get why people who hate their way through life haven't figured that out yet. They are the losers here. They are the victims of their own emotions. A revenge/retaliator is never going to b the sharpest knie in the drawer. Look at FOOTOO. A prime example of what the life of a revenger/retaliator will do to you. Is isn't pretty. Thank you for youf reply Shuhak. But I do wonder if "they" find any peace/relief/pleasure out of "getting back at"? Some recompense for screwing up one's life I think. THE BIG LIE political party is filled with revenge retaliators who eat their own and can't figure out why they are dying figuratively. Hate is not the best manure to grow things. :)