Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Small gubment is for the obscenely wealthy. The lesser the betterer. BIG GUBMENT helps those in need. Now do I have to draw you a picture?

Small gubment is for the obscenely wealthy. The lesser the betterer. BIG GUBMENT helps those in need. Now do I have to draw you a picture?

Posted - April 29, 2021


  • 33896
    Big gov runs jobs off.  

    We are looking to buy business property.  It being in the county (away from city tyrants) is a plus for a property. 
      April 29, 2021 12:13 PM MDT

  • 6023
    I think small government is for better efficiency, and "mind your own business".

    In 2018, the second largest expense of the federal budget was the Department of Defense.
    Prior to the end of WW2, the military was reduced to pre-war levels after every major conflict.
    We are not supposed to have a military with the might to bully the world.

    Social Security (1), Medicare (3), and Medicaid (4) are your "help those in need" programs.
    But every time they have been audited, there are billions in waste and fraud.
    Taxpayers would be better served turning these programs over to private corporations that would be subject to stringent accounting/oversight rules.
    I don't understand how it is "compassionate" or "charitable" to spend money on programs that may help now - but place an increasingly heavy burden on future generations to pay for.

    Interest/debt servicing is #5 ... let's face it, if government was smaller and more efficient, and Congress stopped spending more than they took in, we wouldn't have such a large debt.   
      April 29, 2021 3:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    As usual thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Walt. Here's my GUT response. Rich people always favor small government. It's the middlers and below averge folk who rely on big government to help them through tough times. The rich never have tough times. The rich have grown wealthier during the Pandemic or so I read. They always find a way to ADVANTAGE themselves at the expense of others. Where is my proof? As I said it is my GUT so that's all I have to offer you. My parents were below-average financially even though they both worked very hard. I have done well "under the circumstances" but I still rely on MEDICARE and SOCIAL SECURITY. If I got my cancer at age 60 or 50 and not 70 I would not be here now. I'd be dead. Medicare paid my way to life. You can understand why I appreciate it can't you? :) This post was edited by RosieG at April 30, 2021 3:43 AM MDT
      April 30, 2021 3:37 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I've come to appreciate government aid to those who need it ... but I believe it should be left to each state, per Article 10 of the Constitution.
    One-size-fits-all is the federal government approach. 
    What works for Virginia may not work for California. 
    And that is exactly why Article 10 is in place.
      April 30, 2021 12:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I do too. I sure as he** don't want an Arizona or Florida or Texas crackpot controlling what we do in California. Or white supremacist racist fascist traitor. The FOOTOO stripped us of our right to control auto emissions and other environmental issues for example. THEY'RE BACK now that we have a sane President. Protection and preservation should be the GOAL of all methinks. It isn't and that's the danger we are in throes of now. Destruction reconfiguration annihilation is the goal of the reds. Constriction restriction prevention of exercising individual rights. When the states is headed by loony tune corrupt treasonous SOB's and we just let them do what they do how is that a that a good thing?  WHAT IS RIGHT is a slamdunk no brainer. But the demented have a view of what is right that is beyond evil. Aye there's the rub. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Saturday to thee and thine! :)
      May 1, 2021 2:36 AM MDT

  • 6023
    What's the saying?
    Democracy isn't the best government - just the best we've found.
    So true.

    Some things would be better under a Technocracy.  Where science ruled.
    Environmental regulations, for example
    On the other hand, a pure-science approach wouldn't care about people as much.
      May 4, 2021 1:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Trying to get balance I think is the hardest thing Walt, don't you? But first you have to know where that is/what that is. Balance isn't constant is it? Balance is always adjusting reshaping reconfiguring. I think science=based is better than conspiracy based or cult of personality based or hate based by far. I'm going to ask if folks are seeking balance in their lives and what does that look like and are they there yet? Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 15, 2021 5:39 AM MDT

  • 2706
      Do you know what the picture is? While the Founding Fathers understood the government was necessary to provide for the common good, safety, and welfare of the nation, they wanted as "small" a federal government as possible. That is why the federal government’s powers are enumerated; these are the areas they understood only a national federal government could undertake.

      However, in recent years we have allowed the camel’s nose under the tent. The government has taken over pretty much every aspect of our lives and taken away liberty after liberty, freedom after freedom. A large socialist jack-booted government is the worst possible scenario for the United States.

     Does a big government help those in need?? The government has used the argument that it has the resources, knowledge, and expertise to lead us — the uninformed, inexperienced and without sufficient resources — to accomplish the right things. This assumption/argument is not only incorrect, fallacious, and insulting, it erodes our liberties and freedoms.
      April 29, 2021 10:49 PM MDT