Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Can anything/everything be depicted by a BELL CURVE? The Learning Curve. The SANITY Curve. The INTELLIGENCE Curve. The TRUTH curve?

Can anything/everything be depicted by a BELL CURVE? The Learning Curve. The SANITY Curve. The INTELLIGENCE Curve. The TRUTH curve?

Or are there some things which escape measurement because they are immeasurable?

Posted - May 1, 2021


  • 3719
    A Bell Curve is a genuine graph that arises in the mathematics of Probability.

    It can be demonstrated by recording the landings of a coin tossed very many times.

    Another way is by a "Quincunx", aka "Galton Board" - mis-using the word that actually means a particular geometrical pattern of 5 elements. The 5 dots of a die form a quincunx. This though is a sloping board studded with staggered rows of lozenge-shaped islands that give a small ball allowed to roll freely down it a series of left-right "choices" before it drops from the last row into one of a series of narrow troughs along the bottom of the slope. Use enough balls, and the outline of the area they occupy traces a bell-curve.

    There is no Intelligence Curve beyond arguably a graph showing the result of an IQ-by-population survey, showing the mean and average IQ of that population all measured at the same time by the same artificial tests. The business of IQ-numbers is rather artificial because it usually only assesses ability to solve a set of what are really only puzzles. I believe IQ Tests were originally invented for such purposes as assessing (well, guessing) the educational abilities of children.


    A Learning Curve is no more than a clichéd metaphor originally remarking on the speed at which someone learns something: the quicker the learning, the steeper the imaginary curve . It has become reversed in meaning to suggest the difficulty of learning the subject. Neither guise has any numerical meaning or worth.


    There are no "curves" for Truth or Sanity as those are human traits that cannot be measured.  
      May 3, 2021 3:40 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your meaty reply Durdle. Frankly m'dear I don't understand most of it but that's my inadequacy and not your fault.

    I have personally lived with learning curves in my various jobs. Some newbies grasp things very quickly and are a good investment. Time is money. The longer it takes someone to learn how to do a job the more costly it is. Cliched metaphor? I don't get why you think that. It is a real world actual occurrence. How many newbies have YOU trained for a job? If you did then did you ever have to let anyone go who couldn't learn? I did once and it was not an easy thing to do. As for intelligence curve or truth curve or sanity curve I made those up. I do that a lot. Just to shake the trees and see what drops down. Happy Tuesday to thee and thine DurdlE! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 4, 2021 2:24 AM MDT
      May 4, 2021 2:23 AM MDT