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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dreams and nightmares are mysterious. Everyone has them. Few remember them. They serve a purpose. What is it?

Dreams and nightmares are mysterious. Everyone has them. Few remember them. They serve a purpose. What is it?

Well ya see "IT'S COMPLICATED"

Dreams help store memories
Dreams are hallucinations that occur during various stages of sleep
Dreams regulate metabolism, blood pressure, brain function and certain other aspects of health
Awake your thoughts make sense. Asleep they make little or no sense
Emotional centers of the brain trigger dreams not the logical regions
Dreams are therapists
Dreams are about the fight or flight syndrome and prepare you for upcoming threats to your safety
Dreams are your MUSE and help facilitate creativity
Dreams are memory aides
The LOGIC that operates when you're awake may impede/restrict/prevent creativity
Nothing impedes anything when you're asleep
Nightmares can be caused by stress, anxiety or as a reaction to certain medications
If you have many regular SCARY dreams you may have a sleeping disorder
Influences on nightmares are your state of health, the food you eat and your daily activities
Those who rarely seldom dream are candidates for OBESITY, MEMORY LOSS, INFLAMMATION throughout the body

Didja already KNOW all about this or didja learn something new you didn't already know before?

Posted - May 5, 2021


  • 35076
    Interesting, I almost never remember my dreams. 
    I have never had a nightmare.

    I do not suffer from inflammation nor memory issues.  But I could loose some weight. 
      May 5, 2021 7:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You have NEVER had a nightmare even as a kid? NEVER? NOT ONCE? Whoa! As a kid I'd dream of my parents disappearing and my being abandoned and frightened. I didn't want to go to sleep at night for awhile. I outgrew it. But I have two recurring dreams. I wouldn't call them nightmares but I don't enjoy them. One. I'm in a strange place at night and no one knows me. I want to go home but don't remember where I parked the car. The second one? I watch the clock as I'm trying to get ready to go to work. Time goes and I'm there as I panic because I know I'm going to be late. I cannot stand being late anywhere. Where that comes from I have no idea. But you don't know what a nightmare is like? I'd say that is extremely lucky and blessed. Thank you for your reply m2c. On rare occasion I have trouble sleeping because my mind racing and I just can't shut it off or slow it down. I wish I knew how. I also wish I could control my thoughts but I have no control over them. As you've learned over the years. Sometime I get exhausted from the questions that keep flooding my brain. I wish I knew why I ask why all the time.
      May 5, 2021 7:07 AM MDT

  • 35076
    Yes. I consider it blesses as well. 
    My husband and one son can lucid dream (control their dreams)
    And one son and one grandaughter used to have night terrors.  This is awful. They get up screaming...but are not awake.  And there is NOTHING you can do to sooth them. And they remember nothing about it in the morning.  Just horrible. 
      May 5, 2021 8:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh lordy sweetie your family runs the gamut doesn't it? I never had night terrors. Poor babies but they've outgrown it right? So your husband and one son can CONTROL their dreams? You mean while having them or before they go to sleep they DECIDE what they want to dream about and do? If that's isn't magical I don't know what is. Thank you for sharing that family info m2c. If my son ever had a nightmare he never told me about it. He never had any problems falling to sleep. Differences in that are really amazing aren't they? :)
      May 5, 2021 8:38 AM MDT

  • 35076
    Yes they have outgrown them.  Daughter looked it up and has to do with a really deep sleep. And seems to coincide with new teeth growing in...(pain and fever during sleep)  But who really knows.  

    My husband and son take control during the dream.  And can change it. My son can even wake in the middle and then go back to sleep to the same dream and still control it.  
      May 5, 2021 9:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What you just wrote blows my mind m2c. Are they both geniuses? I mean that very sincerely. I can't even fathom it much less understand how that is possible. It's a completely different level of understanding then I am able to grasp. Magic? Genius? It's definitely outside my wheelhouse! Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. Gives me things to think about I never knew existed. You know how I LOVE to learn about what I don't know! :)
      May 6, 2021 4:24 AM MDT

  • 35076
    They each are smart. But never tested for genius. 
      May 6, 2021 6:51 AM MDT

  • 11418
    For  some reason as I got older I started remembering my dreams and  in the last year I have started remembering my dreams in detail. Cheers!
      May 5, 2021 8:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Sounds to me as if you are aging in reverse my friend. I think that's kinda wonderful. Where others' memories get fuzzier yours become more detailed and clearer? I wonder why that is Nanoose? They have pills on the market that allegedly improve memory. By any chance are you taking something like that? Thank you for your reply! :) Oh you know what's next? You will be able to foresee the future? Would you like that Nanoose? This post was edited by RosieG at May 5, 2021 8:49 AM MDT
      May 5, 2021 8:48 AM MDT