Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » GUILTY AS CHARGED. I always took it for granted that everyone had the kind of parents I had. Positive, loving, caring, kind. GUESS WHAT?

GUILTY AS CHARGED. I always took it for granted that everyone had the kind of parents I had. Positive, loving, caring, kind. GUESS WHAT?

I was so wrong. I see that now in the way the FOOTOOHEAD parents raise their children. I could say more but we all know what that means don't we?

Thanks mom and dad for giving me such a good handle on what to value and what to discard. I APPRECIATE YOU!

Posted - May 8, 2021


  • 10559
    Sadly, that's not how it is...  

    - Some parents hate their kids.  They blame them for all their problems.  (if it weren't for you I'd have a real life!)

    - Some parents don't care about their kids.  To them they are an annoyance they'd be glad to rid themselves of.  (the moment you turn 18 you're out of here!)

    - Some parents look for any opportunity to "pawn" their kids off on someone else so that can "live".

    - Some parents throw their child away like trash or abandon them.

    - Some parents use their kids as pawns.  Perhaps to get back at their own parents or make someone else jealous.

      May 8, 2021 12:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Some parents literally torture and murder their children. Or say hurtful things like "THIS IS MY HOUSE AND WHILE YOU LIVE IN IT YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO". Or "I JUST HOPE YOU HAVE A CHILD EXACTLY LIKE YOU SO WILL KNOW WHAT I HAVE HAD TO PUT UP WITH". All kinds of hateful hurtful things as the child is growing up usually ends up with the child moving out as soon as he/she is old enough and cutting ties. Who blames them? If they survive that is. The grievous damage FOOTOO parents have done to their children can never be undone. How many millions of children are misshapen and crippled for life with racist bigot emotions filled with lies and propaganda? Geez I'd better stop. I'm just getting more depressed. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Do you see any solution? :(
      May 9, 2021 3:12 AM MDT