Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you one of US or one of them? Who am them? The ANTI VAX. Well?

Are you one of US or one of them? Who am them? The ANTI VAX. Well?

Posted - May 8, 2021


  • 33823
    I am not an anti-vaxer but I am an anti-me-being-the-guinea-pig for anything.

    They can experiment on others if the others want to allow it.
      May 8, 2021 5:57 PM MDT

  • 10955
    I'm pro vaccine because after I got my first shot I started  being able to solve complicated algebra problems in my head. And I bet after I get my second shot I will be solving quantum physics problems in my head well juggling 15 bowling balls and a baby seal. I think one of the reasons so many people are against the vaccine is dis information so to reach heard immunity we should fight fire with fire and spread dis information with a positive spin like - after I got my vaccine I won the lotto. Cheers and happy weekend!
      May 8, 2021 6:26 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Honest to goodness Nanoose you kill me! In a very unique and POSITIVE way! I love it! But the massive disinformation that has been going on since FOOTOO polluted US politics is shocking. RUSSIA was always involved probably from before 2015. Right now a lot of crackpot wackadoodles are mouthing RUSSIANpropaganda but they are too stupid dumb to know it. Everything FOOTOO is involved in is destructive. What with the massive reliance on social sites the liars are there lying their way through everyday. The QANONS are the foundation of everything. They are all insane but the insanity suits them. Millions and millions or nutjob weirdos are in the world and most of them are in the US. What bad luck for us! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to you and your family. I'm gonna ask. What could it hurt?
      May 9, 2021 1:56 AM MDT