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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is entirely possible that this universe is simply an R&D testing lab/QC department. A place to work out the kinks,defects,mistakes. NO?

It is entirely possible that this universe is simply an R&D testing lab/QC department. A place to work out the kinks,defects,mistakes. NO?

The Beta test phase before you go to market with your final product.

It would explain a lot.

Posted - May 12, 2021


  • 6023
    As I've shared before, there is a scientific theory that our reality is a computer simulation.
    That would explain why some quantum laws would only work if there was a "higher power" observing them.
         (there is really no difference between "god" and someone who programmed the computer we reside on)

    Some of the stories of fey (fairies) is that they come from the First World.
    The First World, in those stories, are the "testing ground" of the gods.
    And since the gods don't consult each other before making changes to "the draft" - the First World is chaotic, with constantly changing rules.

    If you believe the legends of certain indigenous peoples - I believe the Hopi peoples tell that this is the fifth world (dimension) they have been chased to.  Makes me wonder what they were fleeing, and hope it doesn't show up here.

      May 12, 2021 11:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You are a constant source of wonderment Walt. I had not heard of the "fey" but I shall GOOGLE The First World and familiarize myself with it. We've discussed in broad terms how open we are to all kinds of possibilities. No locked doors..few closed doors whereas others never think of such things at all. No imagination or just terrified of it I don't know. Which brings up something. Are you afraid of anything Walt? I'm trying to think of what would scare me more than having survived a FOOTOO. Well so far. We don't know what is ahead futurely vis a vis FOOTOO and the FOOTOOHEADS. Oh losing sentient ability...the thought of that scares me. But finding out I'm a pawn on a huge chessboard controlled by the player(s) to do be say think feel as I do? It doesn't scare me at all. Does it scare you? Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine!
      May 13, 2021 3:25 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I am scared of heights.
    I was watching some show the other day, and they were talking about the possibility of building a 2-mile-high structure ... and paying for it by means of tourists riding up in enclosed gondolas on the outside of the building to enjoy the view.  I took one look at the artist's concept and said: "Nope.  They would never get me in that."  I wouldn't even do the St Louis Arch, when my family visited there.

    I'm also terrified that if I break a bone, I will get a compound fracture.
    So I've never done any activity that risks breaking bones.  Such as joining my brother and cousin jumping off roofs.
    While I think it might be fun to try skydiving - that activity would run against both fears, so the chances are extremely slim I'll ever do it.

    The possibility of dementia doesn't frighten me, as much as the loss of sight.
    With dementia, as far as I know, the person doesn't usually realize what they have lost.

    As far as being a pawn ... that reminds me of the philosophical question:  If you are controlled, but think you have free will - is it really any different than having free will, and not being controlled?
      May 13, 2021 1:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I have a fear of heights too Walt. Did we ever discuss that before? I can be thumbing through a magazine and come upon an aerial photo looking down on the ocean and my knees literally get weak. That's how bad it is. 2 miles high and then going out on a deck to look down? That is nightmare city to me. I broke my ankle when I was 3 and was in a cast for many weeks. I don't know if it was a compound fracture but it sure stopped my play for awhile. As far as dementia goes it would be like being hypnotized. I NEVER want to be in the control of others. Years ago a friend who happened to be my dentist did sometimes hypnotize patients who were terrified of dentists. At that time I was always on a diet so I wondered if hypnosis might help me lose weight. Well he tried and tried and tried. And failed. He told me that some people are unhypnotizable because they will not cede control over their minds to anyone. That's me I guess. I really wanted to be hypnotized or so I thought. I read that sometimes folks who wanted to quit smoking would do so with the help of "suggestion". Well not me. I mean who am I if not my mind? What am I if I'm not in control? That terrifies me more than height. Thank you for your reply Walt. Now to answer your question. Does thinking make it so? As you think so shall you go? If you are otherwise controlled it might account for your doing/saying things that surprise you. Did you ever do that and wonder where in the he** did THAT come from? Bottom line of course is I don't know. Would I WANT to know if my mind were being controlled by outside forces? No. Just as I do not want to know my future. I can do without that very nicely thank you. What about you? :)
      May 14, 2021 4:06 AM MDT