Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's a theory dearie. Because the Jews were holocausted by the Nazis they are attacking the Palestinians to "pass it forward"?

Here's a theory dearie. Because the Jews were holocausted by the Nazis they are attacking the Palestinians to "pass it forward"?

Posted - May 14, 2021


  • 35073
    It is not the Israeli's who are attacking.....it is never the Israeli's who attack first. This post was edited by my2cents at May 14, 2021 3:59 PM MDT
      May 14, 2021 10:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Right. They just blow up Palestinian settlements on the west bank. So far they have DESTROYED 49.532 Palestinian structures through 2019! They also treat the Palestinians like crap like dirt like vermin. So much for your rebuttal. Sheesh.
      May 14, 2021 10:30 AM MDT

  • 35073
    Do you know why they have to keep a stringent hold on them?  Because if they let them have things that truly are needed,  the Arabs their use the supplies to make bombs and other weapons to attack Israel. 

    ie. Fertilizer for the crops.  They truly need it to produce food.  Do you know what they use it for?  To make bombs to launch at Israel.   

    Qassam rocket

    Israel has given land for peace over and over....but the peace never comes.  
      May 14, 2021 10:48 AM MDT

  • 44765
    Only ammonium nitrate fertilizer can be used to make bombs. There are others that can be used for farming.
      May 14, 2021 11:38 AM MDT

  • 35073
    OK.  I am sure they are allow those. 
      May 14, 2021 11:53 AM MDT

  • 258
    It seems that contributor "RosieG's" figure of 49,532 cannot be verified when doing a Google search.

    Why are home demolitions or sealings-up carried out in response to "Palestinian" Arab terrorist murder of Israeli Jewish civilians including children? In short it may be because the Palestinian Arabs pay a reward pension to the family of a terrorist imprisoned by Israel.

    If a “Palestinian” Arab terrorist murders an Israeli Jew and the terrorist is imprisoned by Israel, the “Palestinian Authority” aka “Fatah” and the “Palestinian Liberation Organisation” (the P.A. funded by the “European Union” and the U.S.A.), pay a reward-“pension” to the family of the attacker:

    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -


    “The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is a fund operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) which pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out politically motivated violence against Israel. [...]”


    Extract source:


    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    While there is no evidence that Israel targets civilians, the "Palestinian" Arabs are addicted to ethnic-hatred of Jews and target Israeli Jewish civilians as policy.
    Due to anti-Semitism many people do not require any proper moral standard from the “Palestinian” Arabs.
    The Palestinians cynically whitewash their anti-Jewish hate-war as:
    “uprising”, “defense”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”. 

    Perhaps it would be helpful to consider an example incident:


    The following four sources relate to the murder of 13 year old Israeli girl Hallel Yaffa Ariel on June 30, 2016, and the consequential order by the Israeli Supreme Court to partially-demolish the home of her suspected Palestinian murderer Muhammad Nasser-Tarayrah:

    Picture of murdered 13 year old Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel:


    “Israeli girl, 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in West Bank” [June 30, 2016], The Guardian:


    “13-year-old Israeli girl stabbed to death in her bedroom” [June 30, 2016],
    The Telegraph:


    Israeli Supreme Court orders demolition of the house of Muhammad Nasser-Tarayrah:


    As the reader will have observed from that example, which is fairly typical for Palestinian terrorism, it can be seen that the Palestinians target Jewish children for ethnicity, just like the Nazis used to do.


    Description of Palestinian Terrorist Attacks by year:



    “Palestinian” Arab attacks of ethnic-hatred using West Bank roads, upon Israeli Jewish civilians:


    No wonder anti-Semites display such emotional-support for the “Palestinian” Arabs !

    The “Palestinian Authority” aka Fatah (which together with the P.L.O. pays the terrorism reward-“pension” of their “Martyrs Fund”, and also funds Hamas) is itself funded by the “European Union”. Many who demonstrate in European countries against anti-Semitic damage to Jewish tomb stones, have no problem with their governments continuing to fund the "Palestinian" Arabs, thereby also funding the Palestinian ongoing war of ethnic-murder against Israeli Jewish civilians including children.

    Supporting anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism: The Palestinian Education Authority in the Palestinian Territories teaches Holocaust-Denial and admiration of the Nazis:

    While such “Palestinian” Arab families may get the reward-loot from the “Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund” (see above) when their family-member is imprisoned by Israel for murdering an Israeli Jew, they may also lose their home; any objections?
    Now try answering again assuming it were your sister or your child murdered ...


    One further reason for demolitions occurring is the failure to first obtain a building permit (planning permission).
    I invite the reader to try this experiment:
    In your own country, build a village / town or just a home, without any permission; and then post back here to let us know the action that was taken by your country.

    Contributor "RosieG" also wrote:
    "They also treat the Palestinians like crap like dirt like vermin. So much for your rebuttal. Sheesh."

    My response:
    All those aged 18 or over can vote in Israel including of course Arabs and there are Arab lawmakers in the Israeli Parliament.
    Contributor "RosieG" also typically provides for her falsehood against Israel:
    No detail, no objective-sources; zero evidence.

    I do not know from which websites she could be obtaining her prejudiced information against Israel, but she would do better to consider getting her information from places other than pro-"Palestinian" Arab mouthpiece propaganda-comfort-websites. These websites are where pro-Palestinians, "Palestinian" Arabs, anti-Semites, and Neo Nazis, tend to go, for the comfort of having their anti-Semitic falsehoods against Israel and their revisionist-history reinforced by false non-verifiable propaganda.

    Here "Comfort" means reinforcing unverifiable and prejudiced-opinion or mass-produced propaganda, within a comfort-zone that avoids: Factual-information supported by objective-sources.

    "Palestinian" Arab "propaganda-comfort websites" being by their very nature, Not-objective, their content is likely to be both Unverifiable, and Untrustworthy.

    Posted: Robert, May 28, 2021 4:20 AM MDT.

    This post was edited by Robert at September 22, 2021 8:28 AM MDT
      May 28, 2021 4:20 AM MDT

  • 2706
    You're right. And no matter how many times you tell people that it just doesn't seem to register with them.
      May 14, 2021 4:02 PM MDT

  • 2706
      Yours is a theory. How about some actual history to find out why Islam continues to attack Israel and why Israel needs to defend itself. Islam's agenda against Israel is not about land. It is now and always has been to destroy Israel. 


      May 14, 2021 4:42 PM MDT

  • 258
    The statement "theory" by contributor "RosieG" seems to represent a novel method to describe who is an aggressor. Consider, how would your country react if thousands of rockets were fired at its cities, as were fired by the Palestinian Arabs at Israeli cities?

    The following extract will give you the opportunity to consider at least 4,000 reasons why "RosieG's" statement constitutes reverse-fact, describing not the policies of Israel but those of the Palestinian Arabs:
    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    "[...] Between 10-18 May, during the 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis, more than 3,440 rockets were fired toward Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Jerusalem and other communities [Israeli cities]. Ten Israelis were killed. More than 90% of the rockets heading toward populated areas were intercepted by the Iron Dome. About a third fell inside the Gaza Strip. Most of the others fell in open fields.[1]

    By 21 May, when a ceasefire came into effect, at least 4,000 rockets had been fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, of which hundreds fell short and hit Gaza."

    (For citations, see webpage.)

    Extract source:

    - - - - End of extract - - - -

    Please take a careful look at the following words within that extract:
    "About a third [of the Palestinian Arab rockets] fell inside the Gaza Strip. [...] hundreds fell short and hit Gaza."

    Israel warns residents living in residential buildings in which Hamas has operation centers, that the building will be hit, but residents who were not warned complain to the Media about Israeli alleged war crimes - How many of those victims were hit by Hamas Palestinian Arab rockets falling back onto Gaza?

    By falsely-accusing Israel of holocaust against the Palestinian Arabs, contributor "RosieG" adopts typical Palestinian Arab reverse-fact propaganda comparing Israel with the Nazis. Why reverse-fact? Because it is the Palestinian Arabs who give a strong impression of admiring the Nazis, as follows:

    Image: “Palestinian protesters carry a transparent kite defaced with a swastika ... [Gaza border] - [AFP/Getty Images].”: 

    The Palestinian Education Authority in the Palestinian Territories teaches Holocaust-Denial and admiration of the Nazis: 

    Whereas Israel targets only Palestinian Arab Hamas and their allies operation centers, the Palestinian Arabs target Israeli cities and commit war crimes:
    - - - - Start of extract: - - - -

    UNRWA [“United Nations Relief and Works Agency”] Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational “B” School on 16 July 2014 ... Secretary-General released a summary of the BOI report on 27 April 2015 (S/2015/286): 

    “The ... Board found that a 120 mm mortar tube, a mortar bipod and twenty 120 mm mortar-round containers, with ammunition, were discovered.”

    Extract source: 

     - - - End of extract - - - -

    The Palestinian Arabs launch rockets (2014) from hospital grounds: 


    Brief historical background:

    Using “Palestine” to negate the name Israel for the land is misleading, as there has never been any indigenous sovereign state of “Palestine”. The only valid name for the land belongs to the Jewish indigenous sovereign states before the Re-establishment of Israel in 1948: “Israel” or “Judah”.

    The Jewish people are the indigenous people of their ancestral homeland of Israel with unbroken presence there since Biblical times: 

    Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland. Internationally-recognized history shows that the last indigenous sovereign state in the land of Israel (Roman-imposed name “Palestine”), prior to the RE-establishment of Israel in 1948, was the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judah. It included the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights. Capital (what is now East) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH - Map: 

    The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” because they do not want you to understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles: 

    The “Palestinian” Arabs were opposed to being called a “People” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews: 

    Posted: Robert, May 28, 2021 3:47 AM MDT.

    This post was edited by Robert at September 22, 2021 8:32 AM MDT
      May 28, 2021 3:47 AM MDT

  • 492
    Are you serious?
    Israel is passing a holocaust forward by attacking Palestine?
    Is there proof that Israel is rounding up Palestinians by the thousands, transporting them to camps, putting them through slave labor, undressing them naked, starving them, stealing their jewelry (including gold teeth) for scrap value, sending them to gas chambers to meet their death, or cremating them repeatedly and daily?
    How long has this been going on?
    I believe there is more proof that Hamas is a terroris group with a mission to annihelate Israel.
    So, the question should be, "Is Hamas passing a holocaust foward by attacking Israel?"
      May 28, 2021 4:44 AM MDT