Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's time to go back to the drawing board and rethink things. What was isn't. Get over it. Get a grip. You know what ya gotta do, don't you?

It's time to go back to the drawing board and rethink things. What was isn't. Get over it. Get a grip. You know what ya gotta do, don't you?

The rising stars of today are diffrunt.

Margie tail lure green..queen of QANON

The step on your neck dame who replaced a leader who spoke the truth

The mick of mccarthy who bends over any way you want so he an give you whatever  you want so he can get what he wants

The matt gaetiz who screws underage girls and pays for it and denies it and is flourishing grandly

Above all else LYING is the basis of everything. THE BIG LIE is a godsend example for everyone to embrace adopt replicate.

The bigger the LIAR the bigger the success. The bigger the violating of the rights of "the other" the bigger the success

We see what LYING has done to a country. Extrapolate. What will it do to the world? The Galaxies? The UNIVERSE?

Y'all can do it. Got on board. Not too late. Wanna win better get gooder at LYING.

LYE or LIE? That is the question.

I think there is a contest for liars and a prize each year. It has something to do with Sam Clemens.

Well what better prize than control of everyone everywhere 24/7?

Posted - May 15, 2021
