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Newest FOOTOOHEAD conspiracy theories being floated promulgated? That Kamala Harris, NOT Joe Biden, runs the White House! Does it have legs?

Posted - May 15, 2021


  • 10955
    I don't believe it but I think that the people who do believe it should at least be thinking that whoever is running the WH is working hard for the American people and things are inproving. Lataly I have been thinking about what Trump would be saying about the Russian gas line hack if he was still in office - probably the same thing he said about the other 2X Russia interfered in American buisness which was we don't know if it was Russia it could be a 400 pound fat man laying in bed for all we know. Cheers and  happy weekend!
      May 15, 2021 11:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The more we go forward Nanoose the more desperate the FOOTOOHEADS are getting and the wilder and nutjob crackpottier they are getting too. They can't figger out how to "assassinate" Joe. Figuratively of course. They tried every lie they could about him and his son Hunter BEFORE the election and JOE WON HANDS DOWN. The afterward has been abysmally humiliating for them. Desperation brings out the worst in people and so what we are witnessing is their deepending desperation play every day every day every day. They have the QANON tail lure dame. The step on your neck dame who replaced Liz Cheney, a TRUTHTELLER. And matt gaetz...the guy who paid for sex with an underage girl who was passed around like a box of cigars or chocolates. She is set to testify but sought immunity. Then ya got moscow mitch who says his only goal is to STOP JOE from doing anything. The rest are the usual meathead sycophants who keep doing/saying the same old which is not working proving they are all drop dead INSANE. It gets worse for them every day but they are so very stupid dumb they don't realize it. To top it off FOOTOO plans two June rallies and a July rally on the 4th of July to kick off his 2024 prez run. I KNOW it will be all about I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED. We just got another notice from DOJ that the insurrectionists are planning another hit. I mean that's all they got. What will happen to us? I dunno but I guess we will find out soon enough. Thank you for your thoughtful reply m'dear and Happy Sunday to thee and thine! :)
      May 16, 2021 3:23 AM MDT

  • 33821
    She is the one meeting with world leaders and taking calls from world leaders. Perhaps because Biden goes to bed at 7:00.
    She is the "border czar"....not that she has bother to go to the border. (It is open...she is happy) 
      May 15, 2021 8:44 PM MDT