Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Whaddaya do with a LOOSE CANNON? Some pols fear for their safety due to the tail lure green dame who is out of control. What to do?

Whaddaya do with a LOOSE CANNON? Some pols fear for their safety due to the tail lure green dame who is out of control. What to do?

The tail llure dame spends her days stalking and tracking and YELLING and SCREAMING and SHOUTING at her targets. She has nothing else to do but draw attention and spectacle herself believing full well there will be a place at the FOOTOO table for her.

Well m'dear frankly do you give a dam*? D'ya give the tail lure nitwit nutjob crackpot dame kudos? Wanna vote for her and put YOUR future and that of your kids in her hands? Well RIP if ya do.

Posted - May 16, 2021


  • 33821
    The horror someone wanted to talk to them about the policies they support.   Green is not gonna be physical just wants the debate AOC asked for. 

    I seem to remember AOC taking over and occupying Pelosi's office and Pelosi did not ask for a "safe space" from AOC.  
      May 16, 2021 5:39 AM MDT