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Discussion » Questions » Finance » According to a St. Louis-based firm if Clinton wins stock market goes up 4%. If Trump wins it dives 7%. He would be a disaster wooden he?

According to a St. Louis-based firm if Clinton wins stock market goes up 4%. If Trump wins it dives 7%. He would be a disaster wooden he?

The company  is Macroeconomic Advisors and the principals are Chairman Joel Prakken and Senior Managing Director Chris Varvares. They said the S&P 500 goes up 4% with a Prez  Clinton and goes down 7% with a Prez Trump.  Good luck one and  all if you are in the stock market. Brave the lot of you. Kudos to you!

Posted - October 25, 2016


  • 2500
    Miss Cleo said so, right?

    Unless the people that actually made that prediction have amassed great fortunes by accurately and repeatedly predicting the trending of the stock market their prognostications are no better than those from the Out-of-Work Actors Psychic Hotline, maybe not as good.
      October 25, 2016 9:08 AM MDT