Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Millions witnessed what happened on January 6. We KNOW what happened. So what do we WANT?

Millions witnessed what happened on January 6. We KNOW what happened. So what do we WANT?

We WANT all participants to TESTIFY UNDER OATH as to their part in it.

Kevin McCarthy talked to FOOTOO several times begging him to intervene. We want to know EXACTLY what he said, how many times he said it and how long it took for FOOTOO to get off his FAT A** and say something.

We want all the pols who helped the insurrectionists by providing them with maps and directions and how to get to specific offices (we know who they are) to TESTIFY UNDER OATH the whys and hows wherefores.

We want to nail their a**es to the wall! That a**hole who said if you didn't know better you'd think it was a NORMAL TOURIST VISIT!

Or that a**hole who said he was never frightened at all. However if it had been Black Lives Matter folks he might been.

Or that a**hole who said all those who entered were orderly and respectful and did no damage at all to anything

Or that a**hole who ignored the hundreds who were injured and the five who died.

"Just another day at the office" say all the a**holes. We KNOW BETTER. WE SAW AND HEARD AND IT'S ALL ON MULTIPLE TAPES.

So yes we want all the a**holes to testify UNDER OATH and the those who lie will be sent to prison.

So far just under 500 have been identified and are being charged. HUNDREDS or maybe even THOUSANDS more to come as videos are being examined and treasonous traitors are being identified. Some were ex military. Some ex cops. That kind of crap is among our citizens today. TRAITORS BETRAYERS VILE EVIL INSURRECTIONISTS. Sigh. Yep. Another day at the office surrounded by traitors.

Posted - May 20, 2021
