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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BRAVE NEW WORLD written by Aldous Huxley in 1931 is another take at a future society. It is different from 1984. SCARIER?

BRAVE NEW WORLD written by Aldous Huxley in 1931 is another take at a future society. It is different from 1984. SCARIER?

Embryos are replicated by the thousands and are born in test tubes.

There are 5 castes. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and  Epsilon

Vaccinations into the embryos determine what type of embryo it will become. Of course the ALPHAS are the leaders and the EPSILONS are those who do menial labor. The others are injected too and form the basic bones of the society. There is no war. Everyone lives happily.

So which world of fiction might you have found more to your liking? 1984 or Brave New World.

Some things written many decades ago hit close home here. Very uncomfy to find that the creative minds of those of the long ago could foresee such a future. Isn't it?

Posted - May 22, 2021
