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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The nice thing about SOLITAIRE is it is a game for one. Your opponent is you. From game to game. Is there any other solitary game?

The nice thing about SOLITAIRE is it is a game for one. Your opponent is you. From game to game. Is there any other solitary game?

Dominoes? How do you play Dominoes anyway? Do you just set up all the pieces in a sinuous design and then push one and watch all the others go down?

Posted - May 22, 2021


  • 10570
    Setting up dominoes to fall over isn't a game, it's mathematics. 

    There are MANY ways to play dominoes.  The one I'm familiar with is where al the l dominoes are placed face down and mixed up.  Each player then chooses 5-7 dominoes (depending on the number of players).  Players set up their dominoes in front of them so only they can see them.  The player with the highest double spotted domino plays first (eg. double sixes double  fives...).  
    The next player must then play on the end or middle of that domino with a domino from their hand that matches the played domino (eg. if the domino ia a double 6, then they must play a domino that has a six and touch it to the first domino (only that domino can be played off of 4 ways).  each player then, in turn, must them play a domino that has the same number as an exposed end of the played domino(s) (a 3 to a 3, a 4 to a 4, a blank to a blank, etc.).  If a player cant can't play from their hand, they must draw from the drawpile until they can either play or until they deplete the drawpile.  The first player to use all their dominoes wins that hand. 

      May 22, 2021 11:36 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Once again I had no clue. Many ways to "play" dominoes? And here I thought they were cute pieces to be stacked back to back to back in exotic formation and the selected person got to push the first one and then we got to watch how they all dropped. Sounds complicated Shuhak. Don't know if I could learn how to. Thank you for your detailed reply about this subject! :)
      May 23, 2021 11:06 AM MDT

  • 10570
    I'm not a domino fan.  On game night we play double twelve dominoes (as opposed to double six).  I never win.  Too many spots to count.
    A LONG time ago my grandfather gave me a game called triominos.  It has triangular pieces with 3 numbers on them (one number on each side).  Like regular dominoes, one matches up the numbers.  The goal is to try to match up all three sides at once (forming a circle) before tiles run out.  I was never able to match 3 sides at once.
      May 23, 2021 1:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Just reading your reply tied my brain up in knots Shuhak. It isn't my cuppa tea at all. I'd not "win" either. Winning isn't really that big a deal to me. I mean I played Scrabble with my son and at the point when he started winning all the time we still kept playing. I enjoyed THE GAME while I was playing it and however it turned out I still had a very good time. Same thing with Chess. I enjoy what I'm doing while I'm doing it and I don't need a specific outcome to have had a good time. Some folks are really sore losers. They have to "win" at everything all the time. I don't know what's lacking in their character but I stay away from them. Not that I would win if I played them but I just don't like a lot of drama. Thank you for your detailed reply. I never knew about the dominoes history. So thanks for broadening my knowledge! Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      May 24, 2021 2:00 AM MDT

  • 10570
    My brother in law is one of those who love to win.  If he loses, he won't make a big deal of it, but he will strongly press to play another game.  But if he wins, he'l gladly play that game all night.  Personally, I' try hard not to care either way.  If I win I win, if I lose, I lose.  No big deal.  I dislike games I find illogical, or where I have to do something like act (eg. charades), as I find it embarrassing (still shy).
      May 24, 2021 12:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I love to play poker Shuhak. There are multiple types of games you can play. My dad taught me or rather I used to sit and watch him and my uncles play poker after holiday meals. I'd sit quetly beside him and never ask a question. I saw his hand of course and how he played. I was enthralled. I in turn taught my son how to play poker. I guess it's a family tradition. I have enjoyed playing checkers and even chess though I never won a chess game but it didn't matter. I had fun. When my son was young we played lots o board games. All kinds. Of course Monopoly was our standard go to game. But we also played scrabble. And there were some games of finance the names of which I can't recall. Long algo I learned how to play Whist but have forgotten. I never learned how to play Bridge. Thank you for your reply! :)
      May 25, 2021 2:13 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Students of chess often play both sides of a game themselves.
      May 22, 2021 12:10 PM MDT

  • 113301
    WHAT? Are you "pulling my leg" Stu? I'm not great at chess by any means. I cannot see moves ahead at all. I can barely see the move I play as I play it. I've never won a chess game. Ever. But I cannot see how that could possibly be as you suggest. The point is trying to outwit/outplay your opponent. Isn't it? If that's you how do you strategize? I think that's way over my head and I can't get there. Do you play chess and are you very good at it? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine! :)
      May 23, 2021 4:02 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I'm not good at or all that interested in chess either, but I have seen people do this.
      May 23, 2021 7:22 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Even though I'm lousy at it I really liked playing Chess. I didn't much like never winning but still I had fun when I played. I never need to  WIN to enjoy something. I'd LOVE to be a GRAND MASTER but well if I can't even win one game from anyone I've played that would be a hopeless quest. Remember OLD SCHOOL? I think his dad was a GRAND MASTER though I'm not completely sure about that. Old School and his pals would be playing his dad INDIVIDUAL GAMES. That's right. There'd be 4 or 5 of them playing separate games with him and he traveled among the guys. I mean right there you KNOW you are in the presence of genius. And all the guys were very sharp..a couple geniuses even. Thank you for your reply SBB! :)
      May 23, 2021 7:29 AM MDT