Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is FAULTY WIRING in the brain of Liz Cheney. Now why would I allege such an outrageous thing?

There is FAULTY WIRING in the brain of Liz Cheney. Now why would I allege such an outrageous thing?

She said the election was NOT FRAUDLENT. That Joe Biden won fairly. She is anti THE BIG LIE
I thought that was VERY BRAVE THING she said and I thought that was great.


She "refuses to connect the false election loss claims with the new Republican PUSH TO TIGHTEN VOTING REGULATIONS.

Say what? Yep. That's what she done did alright. So as I said her logic is disassembled somewhere "up there".

OF COURSE the push to take over the control of election outcomes has been exacerbated by the fair election win of Joe Biden and the constant whining of the I WUZ ROBBED guy is getting more than a little tiresome. But that is all anyone will hear between now and when he "wins" in 2024 at all his planned I WUZ ROBBED rallies. He can't lose. All his peeps will be in charge in control and do the rolling over "yes massa" he expected they'd do in 2020. Think it's a an exaggeration?

The goal is to get trump back in as president
The means are by whatever means is necessary and do whatever it takes

I rest my case

Posted - May 24, 2021
