Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I believe implicitly that the 74 million 2020 prez election trump voters are die hard supporters of QANONS. Don't you?

I believe implicitly that the 74 million 2020 prez election trump voters are die hard supporters of QANONS. Don't you?

Ya got ure tail lure and ya got ure step on the neck and ya got all of them supporting full speed ahead on

the Cannibals who create the child sex trafficking/murdering cabal that trump was sent by GOD himself to stop.

You betchure bippy. All of them without exception are on board with THAT. Deep state dark gubment created just to destroy a trump!

The infamous "THEY" are working diligently everywhere in everyway to insure a return of the trump to the head of the gubment and to destroy whatever and whomever tries to get in his way.

A very GODLY mission on which all of them agreed to engage in together whatever they weather or whether they survive.

Yes they are willing to die to achieve it and murder most honorably every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. GOD is on their side. GOD approves of what they do. GOD will protect them and keep them safe as they vanquish "the other". Which is everyone not of their ILK.

Geez what a cool thing to be part of. Y'all are proud as he** of yourselves aren'tcha?

Posted - May 25, 2021
