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How do we know that the "reality" we perceive is all there is? How do we know we are not the lowest rung on the ladder of life?

How do we know that in higher realms/rungs of that ladder exist all the answers to everything we ever wondered about but didn't know

Do you have faith that "all the answers are out there" and we will one day be privy to ALL OF THEM?

Posted - May 26, 2021


  • 10559
    I have faith in God.  God said that we are His children (created in His image).  Nothing else in all of creation was created in His image.  Therefore, compared to everything else, we are on the "top rung" (of course God is above any "ladder").
    God gave us the answers (the bible).  Sadly, many reject it and therefore they remain in the dark (do not understand).
      May 26, 2021 1:07 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The BIBLE was written over decades by many men. The books that were allowed to be in the BIBLE? Decided by men who were politically motivated at the multiple Councils of Niceaa. Right? How do we KNOW what is real and what is political propaganda? The men of then were anti-women and so a book or two about a woman was not even considred for inclusion. I do not trust partisan political anti-women men to write down the word of GOD. I just don't Shuhak. You are more trusting about that than I am. Remember. GOD gave me this brain to question and analyze and research. To believe or not to believe. Do you think that comes from me alone? Of course it doesn't. It comes from the way GOD decided to make me. I believe that completely and I believe it is my DUTY to GOD to be myself and say what I think and question everything included the veracity and accuracy of the BIBLE. No disrespect to you. You are being to you as I am being true to me. We both agree that GOD made us. We just think diferently about certain things. ALSO from GOD. Nothing wrong with that. As long as you are being honest and true to yourself I can't see any fault in that for you or for me. Maybe GOD WANTS us to disagree and not just accept things because others tell us to. I don't know what I'm this way except I had nothing to do with it vis a vis having the brain I do. Whew. Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 4, 2021 7:42 AM MDT

  • 10559
    (I'm just saying here...)

    I too have a brain for questioning, analyzing and drawing conclusions. 

    (Questioning) If God created me as well as the rest of this massive and complex universe, then it's reasonable to conclude that He is more powerful than me.  After all, I can't create another universe.  I can barely "create" a decent bird feeder from scrap lumber.

    Since humans are constantly learning new things about this universe and ourselves, it's reasonable to conclude that God is more intelligent than humans.  If we were as smart or smarter, there would be nothing left we didn't already know. 

    If God is so powerful and intelligent, wouldn't it also be safe to conclude the He could communicate His desires to His creation anyway He desired? 

    After analyzing the above data, I must also conclude that this God has the ability to prevent people from messing with His communication.  
      June 4, 2021 6:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You did not address the POLITICS of the time or the women are "less than" either Shuhak. You did not address the Nicaean Councils. You did not address why  ALL the books written were not included. Or the Apocrypha. While it is true that  GOD can communicate what HE wants to all of us. It is also true that men will not always act in accordance with GOD's wishes. All men are not open to doing good. I appreciate your views. I hope you can understand mine. IF ONLY what you say were true the world would not be what it is today. GOD does not want evil to befall human beings. Yet it does at the hand of other human beings who have either closed off all HIS communication entirely or simply ignore HIM. Man is given FREE WILL to choose paths. All the influencing and importuning in the world will not change evil to good or disobedient to obedient. I do believe EVIL exists. Whether in the form of DEVIL SATAN or something else. That is not anything the GOD in whom I believe would support defend or facilitate. We choose the paths we take. Rapists murderers torturers pedophiles as well. WE CHOOSE. I've said more than once here that "GOD weeps". I believe that is true when we do horrible terrible disgusting depraved perverted things to one another. OK. That's all I have to say about it right now. I prefer tomatoes for dessert. You'll take cake. There are a cajillion similarities emtre nous but there are also some differences. Maybe the differences are more important than the similarities. I haven't figured that out yet. I hope you know I am in no way "looking down" on you for the way you see things and I think you likewise don't look down on me. We agree more than we disagree. We also learn from disagreement don't we? Thank you for your reply. I think I'll ask that! :)
      June 5, 2021 1:27 AM MDT

  • 10559

    The bottom line is faith.  Faith can be hard as it requires us to trust something that we cannot see.  I pray to a God who I cannot see.  Is He real or merely a figment of imagination?  If my prayers get "answered", was it God’s doing or merely a coincidence?  I mean, who's to say?  I must have faith.  However, my faith isn’t blind faith.  I can see creation around me.  I can see that it was designed with intelligence.  I can see it took great power to create it.  That evidence leads me to believe in God, even though I didn’t actually see Him create it all.

    Who created people, themselves or God?  Although we want to think we can, people cannot create life.  We can reproduce life FROM life (e.g. sex), but we cannot create it (Frankenstein is just a fantasy).  So, which is greater, the creation (us) or the creator (God)?  God is sovereign.  He has supreme authority and absolute power over all things.

    According to God, ALL people are evil!  They are selfish, rebellious, and their minds/hearts are filled with all sorts of wickedness.  You’re right, God hates evil, but it does more than make Him weep, it makes Him angry!  God’s very patient, but even His patience has a limit.  Yet for some reason that we cannot comprehend, He loves us and wants everyone to repent of their evil and come back to Him.  That’s why He sent His Son Jesus.  All who turn to Jesus in faith and obedience won’t have to suffer God’s wrath against evil.  Instead, they will live with Him where all evil has been abolished.  All who don’t turn to Jesus will face an eternity of God’s fiery wrath. 

    This post was edited by Shuhak at June 6, 2021 6:09 AM MDT
      June 5, 2021 12:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I've told you this before Shuhak. GOD lives within me and as far back as I can remember I have been talking to HIM. I think GOD lives within everyone so I'm not unique. I just realize it. HE is a Sounding board that's always there and won't steer you wrong. I know there are times I've disappointed but I'm pretty sure HE know I will never abandon HIM or go to the dark side. No matter how cheeky or uppity I get that will never change. I don't really "pray" per se as I do talk things out. ONCE I did a quid pro quo with GOD. I don't remember the details but I was VERY WORRIED about my dad and I said to GOD if YOU will just save him I PROMISE I will be a good girl the rest of my life. Something like that. Well who can keep that kind of promise? Dad was ultimately fine and I never forgot my oath but I have not lived up to  it all the time as I promised I would. I try though. I never stop trying and I think that's worth something. I think maybe it's just a matter of delivery. We don't see EVERYTHING in the same way but I believe the reason is so we can learn from others what they think and why they think it and maybe find something useful there we can apply to our lives. I'm not forgiving as you are or merciful. I know that. Maybe one day? No I think at 83 I'm who I will always be. I do admire you and your beliefs. I just don't share all of them exactly precisely as you do. But you know what? SO WHAT? Right? We don't have to agree to be agreeable or get along well. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      June 6, 2021 6:17 AM MDT