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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is it "better" to be trusting ot suspicious? If you trust you only hurt yourself. If you're suspicious you hurt others. Which matters more?

Is it "better" to be trusting ot suspicious? If you trust you only hurt yourself. If you're suspicious you hurt others. Which matters more?

Hurting you or hurting all the non-yous?

Posted - May 30, 2021


  • 2706
     Trust is relying on the integrity or ability of another person. Your ability to truly trust someone is based on their character, not yours. Trust is earned, not freely given. Trust is reactive and measurable. Building trust happens slowly over time. Trust is reactive, but forgiveness is proactive.

    Extending forgiveness opens the door to restoring broken trust. Because trust is earned over time there will be suspicions until it is earned. So both trust and suspicion matter and I believe most people know and accept this so it's not going to hurt their feelings. However, being unduly suspicious about other people’s motives all of the time is a bad habit to get into. This can harm both you and the other person. As always, just my opinion. :)
      May 30, 2021 7:51 AM MDT