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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » History books are only useful if they are COMPLETE and TRUTHFUL. Leaving out the parts that make you look bad is not good. How often done?

History books are only useful if they are COMPLETE and TRUTHFUL. Leaving out the parts that make you look bad is not good. How often done?

Posted - May 30, 2021


  • 10799
    Many Egyption pharaohs did that.  If they didn't like the preceding ruler, they simply blotted/chiseled them out of the records.  

    Our actions are like putting a drop of ink in water.  Once done, it can never be undone.  We may try to dilute the water so the ink isn't as noticeable, but no matter what we do, the ink is still there.  Altering history books to make them say what you want it to say won't change what happened, it only makes it very hard to learn from past mistakes, thereby dooming people to repeat them.
      May 30, 2021 4:40 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The Tulsa race massacre 100 years ago was apparently wiped out. No one learned about it. They just pushed it under the rug. How it came about that we know now I don't know. Similarly history books always showed "Indians" as the aggressors..the bad bad bad. The whites were always the victims at their mercy. Cowboys and Indians were the basis of many movies. When were Indians ever shown as heroes?  The righteous right does the same thing in their religion-based universities. The world according to them leaving out a lot. Meaning those who graduate end up more ignorant than they were before they were "educated". How do you STOP that? I wish  knew. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I wonder how many texts in how many red state schools are exactly like that? Happy Monday. I think it unseemly to wish anyone a Happy Memorial Day. :)
      May 31, 2021 2:27 AM MDT