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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WHITE OLD MEN. WHITE OLD WOMEN. Today's GOP. The Party of Lincoln? A slap in the face disgrace. Library paste?

WHITE OLD MEN. WHITE OLD WOMEN. Today's GOP. The Party of Lincoln? A slap in the face disgrace. Library paste?

Young people are running away in DROVES from the OLD WHITES genderwise and otherwise.

Creaky with arthritis and brains filled with gummy stuff that causes Alzheimers/senility/insanity.

Nothing there to attract life. Death stench is the perfume it wears. Death is what their members who murder seek. Death to "the other"? They do not realize they ARE the other and they are dying. We hear the death rattle. They are all deaf.

Posted - May 30, 2021


  • 2706
      The last time I looked, there were white old men and white old women in the Democrat party as well. Is that a slap in the face disgrace to? Creaky with arthritis and brains filled with gummy stuff that causes Alzheimer's/senility/insanity happens whether you are a Democrat or a Republican.

    Old age and the ills that come with it don't pick sides. What I find interesting is that many of the people that judge, condemn, and vilify the white old men and the white old women, are themselves, white old men and white old women. Hypocrisy knows no bounds. :)
      May 30, 2021 8:32 AM MDT

  • 35077
    LOL.  Are you calling me old?  

    Half of the voting population of both parties are over 50. 

      May 30, 2021 8:50 AM MDT