Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TRAGIC? Yes. UNIQUE? No. The kamloops Residential Indian School in British Columbia is the most recent evidence of it. WHAT?

TRAGIC? Yes. UNIQUE? No. The kamloops Residential Indian School in British Columbia is the most recent evidence of it. WHAT?

Abuse, neglect, death.

That is where the largest school for INDIGENOUS children was located in Canada.

Some think there were over 6000 deaths from abuse and neglect...other say 3200. I don't KNOW which is correct.

But 215 graves on the school grounds were recently discovered. The school closed in 1978l

ABUSE of NATIVE AMERICANS or INDIGENOUS PEOPLE is found everywhere they exist. As in abuse of blacks and other people of color. That is what is UBIQUITOUS. Meaning you find it everywhere there is an anywhere.

Yes. A thread that runs through the history of homo saps.  ABUSE NEGLECT BEATING MURDER.

Why is this so? I don't know. It is what it is. Stupid to say but true anyway.  IT IS WHAT IT IS

What is needed is that the homo sap BLUEPRINT goes back from whence it came for an upgrade a redo a "bettering". Better yet just destroy the blueprint and start fresh. That would be easier than trying to redo retrain recut rethink review react re anything. Meanwhile buckle up. There will always be more of the same that will be uncovered. COVERUPS never cover up anything good.

Condolences to all targets that ever were, are now and will be futurely.

Condolences and apologies for the evil that men do. Women too.

Posted - May 31, 2021


  • 11426
    Beat the Indian out of the kids was the motto of the priests and nuns that ran the schools. They had officers that went to every Indian village in Canada and they took the kids away from their parents by force and put them in the Residencial schools. Their reasoning was the kids would have a better future if they learned  English and the white mans ways - instead a lot of those kids turned to drugs and alcohole when they grew up to try and forget the beatings and sexual abuse they received in the schools. Cheers!
      May 31, 2021 9:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I wondered if I should give you a head's up before I asked the question Nanoose. I figured you'd totally understand why I had to ask. I know that has gone on and goes on and will always be going on in the world. It's just so heartbreaking to imagine what those children suffered through. It's hard enough growing up in a loving family in this world. But what so many children all the time even from their own parents just crushes me. I read your response. Once again thank you for telling be more about what I didn't know. I know it breaks your heart too. It doesn't matter where they are children DESERVE to be loved and protected. Millions aren't. :(
      May 31, 2021 9:24 AM MDT

  • 11426
    I just heard that the Pope is refusing to apologise for the abuse of the kids in the residential schools doesn't seem like a very holy thing to do. Cheers!  
      June 1, 2021 8:40 AM MDT

  • 11426
    I was just thinking that the kids that went to the residential schools and grew up are referred to as residential school survivors so I think that speaks volumes to how awful the schools were. Going to add that in the 1950s Canada did a inhuman thing to the Inuit people by forcing them to migrate to the artic so they could be used as human flag poles during the cold war. Many years after that Canada compensated them and part of the compensation was the right to govern them self's. So maybe there is a chance that Canada will do the right thing and find a way to compensate the First Nations people.  Cheers! 
      June 1, 2021 9:03 AM MDT