Our prisons are full and he's facing a misdemeanor charge with a maximum sentence of six months, I believe. If found guilty, he wouldn't serve any time... that's the reality of our system. But, I don't think he'll be found guilty. They have to prove the he was willfully disobedient. It's very difficult to prove intent. With that said, I bet he wins the election, too.
I don't think he'll be convicted either.. They'll NEVER find a jury in Arizona that will find him guilty.. But, he's TOAST, in any case.. I don't believe he'll be re-elected. He's got three strikes against him.. He's 84. He's BEHIND in the polls, and he's facing criminal charges..
He was only 15% behind in the polls right after the news broke and 20% of people in the same poll said they were undecided. I think Sharonna's the exception here. I think the majority of people in the county see Joe's legal troubles as a positive thing because he does what he feels is right and is willing to take the fire for it. That same platform has gotten him elected repeatedly. We'll know soon enough, but I think he'll be elected repeatedly until he calls it quits on his own.
They have been threatening this idiot for decades and he is like Teflon. Nothing sticks ever.
This state is so full of corruption, he is the perfect representation of all that is wrong and phony and white in Arizona. The New Times has been keeping track of his atrocities loud and clear since I have moved down here 25 years ago. Nothing touches this pig and the Feds show their weak incompetencies each and every time they try to fight him because he always comes out on top.