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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Repairs to schools is not infrastructure they say. Some schools have mold in the walls.Why don't "they" care? "Their" kids don't go there?

Repairs to schools is not infrastructure they say. Some schools have mold in the walls.Why don't "they" care? "Their" kids don't go there?

"Their" kids don't breathe in MOLD SPORES. "Their" kids live in better neighborhoods so they attend better schools..many of which are PRIVATE schools.

See why they don't care? Their kids are fine. Other people kids? Go suck an egg and pound mud. Why SHOULD they care? Oh..because they represent constituents whose kids do? Who cares about them? They vote REPUBLICAN no matter crap we provide them. They'd rather die than vote any other way. They are captive slaves to the "company store". Forever more. Quoth the raven.

Posted - June 2, 2021
