They're always looking at their iPhones.
Kids don't need a phone. My 11 year old granddaughter is with me this week and I'm proud to say her affluent parents have not opted to bow to the pressure created by so many of her classmates having phones.
Couldn't tell you, don't have one.
She's probably made fun of a lot. Kids are mean and terrible.
It isn't just kids. Adults are just as bad.
I work in NYC and if you observe people walking in midtown, all you see are people (most all of whom are adults) looking at their phones. I can't tell you how many times people have walked into me and looked at me as if I didn't belong in front of them.
Hadn't noticed.
I am unqualified to answer this question because I'm now one of those "kids" with an iPhone....;-D....
There's a difference between having an iPhone and looking in it constantly to the exclusion of everything around you.
I hope not. There are so few of us around. :)
its their toy
Parents and their inability to say no to the kids. It beats having to actually INTERACT with them.
It's like an addiction.