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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Would you go out of your way to avoid hurting someone's feelings or embarrass someone even if it were at your own expense? Have you?

Would you go out of your way to avoid hurting someone's feelings or embarrass someone even if it were at your own expense? Have you?

Posted - June 3, 2021


  • 17088
    Family, yes. Everybody else can go to Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire. I will DELIBERATELY embarrass someone if they deserve it, or leave me an opening for a wisecrack. I'm an incorrigible smarta$$.
      June 3, 2021 6:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So you say. So say you. Well I cannot go by my experience with you FORTUNATELY. So of course I shall take your word for it. But say you have a friend or kind neighbors who go out of their way to do kind things for you. THEY mildly screw up on one thing. Small tiny teeny. Would you call them on it or just let it slide. It just happened to Jim and I'm livid. It's such a small thing to make a big thing out of so now 'they" alienated me by doing that. Jim is the neighborhodd GOOD SAM. he is 85 and goes out of his way to do things for neighbors much younger than he is. OK. I'm letting that go.  I had to vent and I know from experience you're safe and don't get mad at me. SIGH. OM OM OM OM OM! :)
      June 3, 2021 7:09 AM MDT