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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OH MY GAWD! You want to get a dog for your two young granddaughters. Do you go to a shelter and get a RESCUE DOG?

OH MY GAWD! You want to get a dog for your two young granddaughters. Do you go to a shelter and get a RESCUE DOG?

Or do you go to an upscale classy very CHEESY wealthy snobby dog store and pay $1000 for an 8-week old puppy that has "PAPERS"?


With all the dogs abandoned in shelters waiting to get forever homes or be "put down" what would YOU do? Sheesh.

This is NOT a WHAT IF. This actually occurred. Not naming names because well I think it's a black mark against the chooser. I was told it was NOT grandfather's decision. It was grandmother's. Apparently she is the final decider all things IMPORTANT.

Is that true in your life too?  Whatever. What kind of lesson does this teach the two little girls? Nothing I'd want to learn.

Disappointing doesn't even begin to cover it.

Posted - June 5, 2021


  • 16647
    Unless you're planning on being a pedigree breeder and show your dog, you should never ever pay top dollar for a highly bred dog with papers. Show dogs are inbred to such an extreme degree that they make lousy pets. High strung and usually don't live long (obvious defects are identified and the unfortunate pup is euthanised, but many defects don't show).

    I have no problem with buying a puppy from a pet store - rescue dogs are often older, and an animal that has been abused is more likely to be mistrustful of humans. An adult can be mindful of this but an impulsive child won't be, an older rescue can also be a bad pet for young children.
      June 5, 2021 4:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Good point. YABUT!  Here in the states every Saturday morning at 7:30am is a show called LUCKY DOG. It's about a couple who have devoted their lives to rescuing dogs from death and finding them forever homes. The wife is/was a sociologist and she searches for the "perfect" home for the dog. First stop is the vet so the dog can be checked out health-ise. Then to the LUCKY DOG RANCH where the husband TRAINS the rescue dog to do basic things. I don't know how long a time it takes to get a dog to be a "perfect" fit but we watch the patient training. The personality comes out loud and clear after the dog realizes he is in good loving hands. They are all ages and types and many are placed in homes with kids. Often the family lost a dog and grieved for awhile and are ready to get another one.  There are three stages for the dog. A "basic learning" medal. A silver medal and when the dog "graduates" a gold medal. It's our  FAVORITE show. Seeing all those dogs in cages yearning to be out and in their forever homes is very sad but very awesome. We don't see the dogs who are put down because no one wanted to claim them. Some may be beyond help. Do you have any programs like that R? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine. It's like adopting a child who yearns for a home. All children deserve to be cared for and loved. So too do pets! I'm just sayin'.....Oh FYI. I just had Jim read your reply. The dog buyer is Jim's best friend. It's the wife who INSISTED on it. Jim of course can't say anything to him but he felt bad and now after reading this (thank you bigly for the helpful info)he feels worse. Allegedly his friend spent weeks RESEARCHING. What he researched was I have no idea. :( This post was edited by RosieG at June 6, 2021 4:03 AM MDT
      June 6, 2021 3:53 AM MDT

  • 16647
    We have the Animal Welfare League and RSPCA.
      June 6, 2021 4:02 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Do they find homes for the homeless dogs or just house them and wait for people to come, look and choose? Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 6, 2021 4:04 AM MDT

  • 10568
    Dogs with papers (pure breads) usually have more health problems due to inbreeding.

    I had a dog with papers once.  A collie.  Her registered AKC name/title was, 'Lady Lassie Lee of Camelot'.  She Died of cancer at age 8.  However, her "mutt" offspring lived to be 14.

    EVERY dog - whether gotten as a puppy or as an older dog - has its own unique personality (just like people), and can bring many years of happiness to its owner IF the owner is willing to put forth the effort to train and take care of it.

    Note - getting a dog is a lifetime commitment.  If someone isn't willing to fully commit for that long, then don't get one!!!
      June 5, 2021 1:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Exactly. How many dogs are simply abandoned? Left behind like a bag of trash as the owners "move on"? I think shelters are crammed and jammed with them. I bet some folks have abandoned more than one pet. I'll ask but I know I won't get any answers. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday! :)
      June 6, 2021 5:14 AM MDT

  • 10568
    It's disgusting!  Would They treat their own child like that?  (sadly, some do).

    Our local shelter is a no-kill shelter and they're really good with animals.   Amazingly, they managed to get all the animals out to foster homes at the start of the COVID pandemic lockdown (and we're not talking about just dogs and cats). There are many people in this area who will gladly foster animals until they can find forever homes.  Some get so attached to them that end up keeping the animals themselves.  
      June 6, 2021 1:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That is so AWESOME to hear Shuhak. I hope there are many places that are exactly the same. Thank you for sharing that GOOD NEWS! It helps a lot! :)
      June 9, 2021 6:30 AM MDT