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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Don't eliminate or change rules. Change your/the behavior". From when cometh this BRILLIANCE?

"Don't eliminate or change rules. Change your/the behavior". From when cometh this BRILLIANCE?

Champion fencesitter
Yes no homo sap
Push me pull me Do nothing
Kris tin sin a muh

She flies high as a Dem but is pinko red 24/7. She pretends. She always deadends. Defends. Contends. Upends.

Worthless dame who takes up space and costs big money. Aye there she blows!

Posted - June 5, 2021


  • 35077
    I am glad she has the courage to stand up to Schumer.  And the brains to know the Dems will not be power forever and they will need the filibuster to prevent some of the things the Rep will want to do.

    How do you think Trump got so many judges? Harry Reid removed the 60 votes for judge approval. 
      June 6, 2021 7:52 AM MDT