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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "....protect against all threats foreign and DOMESTIC." Big talk. Little delivery. Now "they" say there never was a threat at all. OR?

"....protect against all threats foreign and DOMESTIC." Big talk. Little delivery. Now "they" say there never was a threat at all. OR?

Yes there was a threat but it was the FBI doing flag plants
Yes there was threat but it was Antifa
Yes there was a threat but it was Black Lives Matter
Yes there was a threat but it was planned and executed by the Democrats
Yes there a threat but it was from aliens in space who were paid by the anti Don Guanos
Yes there was a threat but it was from the UNIONISTS who are communists and socialists

No there was no threat
Yes there was a threat BUT

And so it goes. The intellectual perspicacity of the deniers is staggering isn't it? Are YOU one of THEM? Condolences.  You will forever be the laughingstock of nutjob cracpot conspiracies, cannabalistic and sex trafficking child torturer murderers. Yes YOU. You invented it and promulgated it and perpetrated it and perpetuated it. Know why? Because you LUST after being it of course.

Just as the most intense hater anti LGBTQ are always those who are closeted and scream and shout to take away any doubt that they aren't what they hate but they are

You do not fool anyone but yourselves. Laughingstocks. Hilarious. Buffoons. Clowns.

Posted - June 17, 2021
