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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A mug friend tells me "they say" the Bible never changes because it's always right. Science always changes because it is always wrong. WHAT?

A mug friend tells me "they say" the Bible never changes because it's always right. Science always changes because it is always wrong. WHAT?

That has gotta be about the most STUPID DUMB thing I've ever heard.

All the "bible writers" died centuries ago. So the BIBLE is similarly dead figuratively speaking. It will never change. The dead(literal or figurative) DO NOT CHANGE.

Science on the other hand is ALIVE and WELL and GROWING. With growth comes changes.

What stupid dumb doesn't KNOW THAT?

Seriously. Do people really believe that claptrap? The Bible never changes because it is always right. The Bible is always right because it never changes. I bet GOD gets a big kick out of that kind of "logic".

Well why not place an ad in the paper for BIBLE WRITERS? What could it hurt?

Posted - June 18, 2021


  • 10568
    Science only "changes" because we keep learning more about the world around us.  The makeup of the universe doesn't change (atoms, quarks, etc.).  We simply haven't figured it all out yet.  For example, we've always had DNA, it just wasn't until 1869 that we "discovered" it.

    The bible isn't "dead".  It's very much "alive" and "speaking" to us - even today.  The problem is that many refuse to listen.  They don't want to hear it because they don't like what its saying to them.  So like a little child, they close their eyes and put their fingers in their ears - "If I can't see it or hear it then what it says can't affect me".  Like a bright light in the darkness, the bible exposes their evil ways.  Yet instead of changing their behavior, they scurry back into the darkness like an exposed cockroach.  In an effort to  justify their behavior, they denounce the bible, discredit it by saying its wrong, or that it's been changed, or is outdated.   
      June 18, 2021 1:44 PM MDT

  • 13395
    There is known to be a lot of good wisdom stuff in the Bible I think it is reasonable to doubt the existence of supernatural forces. I don't think the Bible is 'perfect'.  The stories more likely seem to be written by men who were inspired by their belief in God than a Spirit of infinite wisdom and mercy.
      June 19, 2021 9:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
      June 20, 2021 3:01 AM MDT