Yep. The Don done said so. June 16, 2021. To his unctuous pally the Sean of Hannity.
But his mindless adoring worshippers will continue with scam sham bam screwing and then say thank you m'am anyway? Of course. And the Don of Guano will continue whinya**ing I WUZ ROBBED even though he already admitted he lost? What do you think? OF COURSE HE WILL Know why? He has faith that his adoring worshippers are so stupid dumb they will BELIEVE everything that comes out of any orifice as long as it is a Don Guano product..
And his adoring worshippers will eat up every lie every time because well they are mindless. The Don of GUANO KNOWS THAT and uses it. He also has contempt for them which they also don't mind at all.