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Was Mother's Day and Father's Day a big deal when you were a kid? What holiday was? How so?

For us it was EASTER. Yes we did the egg coloring thing. And Easter basketing. But mom always made my sister and me new dresses. Bought us new shoes and underwear and we'd walk to Church in our finery. It was a mile away and we'd see other families walking too. We had a car but walking was somehow what we wanted to do.

Christmas? Well it was the typical excitement. We left out milk and cookies for Santa and most of it would be eaten by the time we woke up. Poor Daddy! I expect he was the eater/drinker every year.

We had two churches.

The one in the neighborhood which was very close to home. We frequented it more often. Presbyterian.

But being Armenian Apostolic on Christmas Eve we'd go to the Armenian Church which was in Pasadena,  miles away. We'd go by car. There was incense that was spread about and a liturgy that was handed down from ancient times.

What are your memories of religious holidays? Few, some, none?

Posted - June 20, 2021


  • 2706
     Setting holidays aside for the moment. When I was growing up, pretty much every day was Mother's Day and Father's Day. They were married, had us, children. Took excellent care of us children in all ways that parents should. They stayed together out of love for each other and out of love for us kids. They were our foundation.

      That being said, the only holidays that stood out for me while growing up were Christmas and Easter. Today I'm not real keen on holidays in general. Mainly because they have lost much of their meaning. They have become commercialized and selfish. Regardless of that, Christmas and Easter still hold a special place in my heart. But not for the reasons many people do.
      June 20, 2021 5:49 PM MDT