Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » DIOGENES the Cynic (412B.C.-323 B.C.) was a Greek philosopher, a Cosmopolitan and a Citizen of the World. Ever hear of him?

DIOGENES the Cynic (412B.C.-323 B.C.) was a Greek philosopher, a Cosmopolitan and a Citizen of the World. Ever hear of him?

He believed that VIRTUE was better revealed IN ACTION rather than in THEORY. He is said to have carried a lantern during the day in search of "an honest man". He criticized the social values of the times and saw society as corrupt and confused.

So we see the inevitability of homo sap always being LIARS CHEATS BETRAYERS.

Nothing new. The Don of Guantanamo took it to the heights of perverted depravity but he is not new. He is typical of what it means to be a powerful homo sap.


Good to know isn't it? Man was always contemptible corrupt conniving. The nature of the beast apparently. The opposite is an anomaly.

So much for striving to be what we aren't. Never will be.  HONORABLE HONEST TRUTHFUL

Those that are? Mixed bag.

Anyway it is Diogenes the Cynic whose views led to STOICISM.

I wonder who today seeks those who tell the truth? Who today rejects LIARS?

I thought homo saps had degenerated but I see they were always degenerates. Can't make a silk purses out of pig's ear.

Posted - June 27, 2021
