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You never can know in advance how many people will be affected by your words/deeds. Are you aware of that and therefore very careful?

The now-infamous Access Hollywood tape of Trump and Billy Bush has taken its toll on more than just those two people. It was hurtful, offensive and the fallout reached far beyond the two people on it. Bush got fired. His family/friends were undoubtedly shocked. Women had to listen to the way one particular man thought about them. Whether it was only words is irrelevant. The harm is done and cannot be undone.  The damage keeps reverberating. Those who think it's no big deal because that's just how men are puzzle/perplex me. Words can no more be unsaid than actions can be undone. The thinking person realizes that and tries to anticipate what the repercussions can be and avoid  negative ones. Unthinking people say whatever comes to mind and then get miffed/agitated/aggravated/irate if you take them to heart. If you believe them. Strange world.

Posted - October 28, 2016


  • I have tended most of my life to think of my words as having very little effect, at most like ripples on a pond that soon disappear.
    Nothing has surprised me more than when students or others tell me, years later, how I affected them.
    One never knows at the time.
      October 28, 2016 4:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Using yourself as an example hartfire, are there not many people whom you have encountered in your life whose words/deeds have stayed with you through the years?  Inspiring words, wise words, hurtful words? We all remember such things and  people and so we ought to want to leave the cleanest kindest tracks we can since they often remain in the minds/hearts of those with whom we have engaged. Thank you for your reply. :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 31, 2016 4:02 AM MDT
      October 31, 2016 4:01 AM MDT

  • Certain people have had a profound effect on my life - affecting things like life direction and lifestyle in ways that have lasted 40 years.
    Others have had smaller, more subtle, but no less profound influences.
    When I look back, it's easy to see they I was predisposed to be attracted and to accept those influences.
    But I have no idea how different my life would have been had I never met them.
      October 31, 2016 5:31 PM MDT