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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Roads and streets were buckling from the extreme heat. Folks aren't used to this so some of them do not have AIR CONDITIONING. What NEXT?

Roads and streets were buckling from the extreme heat. Folks aren't used to this so some of them do not have AIR CONDITIONING. What NEXT?

Posted - June 29, 2021


  • 44705
    Wildfires so bad they will not be put out until everything is burned. Scorched earth CA, AZ, NM etc.
      June 29, 2021 8:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Lordy. NO EXIT? NO ESCAPE FROM THAT FATE? Sigh. Thank you for your reply E and Happy July 1 Thursday to thee. So how are things going in Toledo?
      July 1, 2021 3:20 AM MDT

  • 44705
    No blazing heat, no wildfires, plenty of is good.
      July 1, 2021 6:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am exceedingly happy to hear that E. Now with regard to the COVID 19 Delta variant and Delta plus is Toledo holding its own so far? Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 1, 2021 7:02 AM MDT

  • 44705
    So far, so good. I will ask my daughter.
      July 1, 2021 7:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Great and having a quick chat with your daughter sounds like a very good idea. I heard this morning it's now in every state so that doesn't sound so good. Thank you for your reply E! :)
      July 1, 2021 7:54 AM MDT

  • 10706
    No power.  No power, no retail.  Not because most people don't know how to sell things manually anymore, but because most transactions are done by computer. On top of that, ordering merchandise is also done by computers.  Computers must be kept cool to operate.  Cooling requires massive amounts of power.

    Wildfires.  Heat dries things out quickly -  even if it looks "green".  In an area known for high moisture, residents may not realize that a dry green tree can ignite with just a single spark.  

    They need to watch their rail system, as when they buckle you get derailing. 

      June 29, 2021 11:27 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I know it is NOT your intention m'dear to give me more to worry about. You always simply want to ANSWER MY QUESTION as best you can. It's not your problem how I react to it. OY VEY! GADZOOKS! EGADS! SHEESH! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. One more day is we're out of June. Summer has barely begun. I don't remember but has it ever been like this this early? :(
      June 29, 2021 11:42 AM MDT

  • 10706
    No worries, it's just that I've "been there/done that".  I know what can/will happen.  I've dealt deal with extended power outages and have worked in retail.   I live in a forest that looks green and nice, but ignites when a tow chain on a truck makes sparks.  A while back when the Central Valley had a spell of very high temps, some of the rail lines did warp (it was all over the news).

    Personally, I'm terrified of autumn.  THAT'S when fires really get going.  Strong north winds develop as the area transitions out of summer towards winter.  If things are this bad now, what will they be like come September?  These forests will be "kiln dried", the rivers will be all but dried up, and most lakes and reservoirs will be near empty.  The "new" rainy season here now starts in December.  And people are stupid!  The homeless are already starting numerous fires (cooking, burning their garbage), what will they do when it starts getting cold? Truck drivers refuse to slow down as they come down I-80, so their breaks catch fire - along with the surrounding forest.  I can't even count the number of truck fires there've been on I-80 - just this month!
      June 29, 2021 12:54 PM MDT

  • 113301
    There have been some LAVA fires "up north" somewhere between the cities of Weed and Mt. Shasta. LAVA fires? Where did it come from? Are you anywhere near anything that spews LAVA Shuhak? You paint a dreadful picture m'dear. As usual it isn't your fault that you foresee what you do. I think with this extremes of heat never before experienced in the northwest it's already begun. Where we end up in a couple of months I can only imagine. First cure STUPID. Well that ain't gonna happen. How do we "get rid of" the stupids? I don't mean annihilate them. I mean contain them restrict them detooth them declaw them? There has got to be a way. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I HOPE YOU ARE DEAD WRONG ABOUT ALL OF IT. I know you do too. But well HOPE and FAITH won't be enough. :(
      June 30, 2021 5:04 AM MDT

  • 10706
    The Lava fire wasn't started by lava, it was started by lightning.  Don't worry, there are NO volcanic eruptions occurring in California.  

    The nearest active volcano to me is Mt. Shasta - and it's well over 200 miles away. 
      June 30, 2021 11:26 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I've got  you circled on the map Shuhak. When you told me where you live I checked it out on our ROAD ATLAS. So when stuff goes on "up north" and they give locations I just look it up to see if you are in jeopardy. I do the same for a few other Muggers. Well it's for me not them that I do it. So much is going on all the time everywhere. It's hard to keep up with what we can't control. And then a preventable tragedy like the condo collapse happens and puts everything else on a back burner. I just don't understand WHY when people are given info and warnings IN ADVANCE of something they don't do something? Do you? Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 1, 2021 2:46 AM MDT

  • 3719
    A problem we've had in my area is the disposable barbeque, abandoned indeed by stupid people along with their other litter, in areas of dry heath or forest.

    I din't catch where, but I heard a brief item on the news this morning of one place in Asia (Singapore?) that recorded temperature considered very dangerous for humans, and indeed other mammals. The heatwave you are suffering in the USA and Canada is being reported here, too. 
      June 29, 2021 2:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It got up to 118 in CANADA of all places and also in either the State of Washington or Oregon..maybe both. So far the highest we've experienced in Hemet as far as I know this year is 107. Once when we lived in Riverside it reached 115. Of course the temperateu gauges might have gone higher and I just didn't look at them at that time. Many folks have no air conditioning. They didn't really need it. Streets are buckling/melting from the heat. Bodes ill. Thank you for your reply Durdle. STAY COOL! :)
      June 30, 2021 5:08 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I haven't been out of the house for several days because of the heat, but I was floored when I saw on the 11 PM news that it hit 98 degrees in Central Park yesterday afternoon.  We rarely see temperatures that high. 
      June 30, 2021 6:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That's fairly cool. Heard that somewhere in Canada it hit 121 yesterday! And that was the same temp as our DEATH VALLEY which is usually the hottest spot on earth! Geez louise puhleez! Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 30, 2021 8:48 AM MDT

  • 19937
    To me, once it gets to 85+, no matter how much higher the temp goes, I'm uncomfortable.  
      June 30, 2021 10:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I hear you m'dear. Here when it's over 100 it is extremely noticeable. We can live fairly comfortably even in the low 90's. We try to just stay home but sometimes we have to go out and if it's say 95 it's much more OK then 105 or higher. It's harder to breathe for one thing. We are earlybirds and if a store opens at 7am we are there then. But some places don't open until 9am and so we're stuck having to go out then. What I try to do is plan things so that when we do go out we get multiple things accomplished. Grocery shopping, banking, mailing things. When we do that we're usually back home by say 9:30am. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Thursday July 1! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 1, 2021 8:01 AM MDT
      July 1, 2021 2:51 AM MDT

  • 19937
    It is more difficult to breath when the humidity and the temps are high, no question.  Yesterday, it was 98 in Central Park and 100 at LaGuardia Airport which is close to where I live.  We had some heavy rain last night and it did cool things off a bit, but when you start the day at 82, you know it's not going to be very much cooler.
      July 1, 2021 8:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez we NEED your heavy rain L. Very much. I wonder if we will be rationed waterwise? How would they do it I wonder? I think that's going to be inevitable. I wish there were a bit of light at the end of that tunnel. Maybe there is and I just can't see that far! Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 2, 2021 4:03 AM MDT

  • 19937
    They would restrict water usage for any non-essential reason, i.e., watering lawns, etc.  I'm afraid that at least for this season, it doesn't appear that things are going to get a whole lot better.  
      July 2, 2021 6:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    No one has lawns in this retirement community L. It's green dyed cement or rocks or fake grass. We have not been allowed to wash cars or wash down our driveways for years. Water is essential to taking showers, washing clothes, washing dishes and of course drinking and using for cooking. It's not a luxury that one can choose to do without. It's a necessity. So how it's going to work at its worst I cannot fathom. Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 2, 2021 6:45 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Of course water is essential for some things, but how many people stand in the shower with the water running long after they've washed and rinsed off?  How many people let the water flow in the kitchen/bathroom sink before they actually wash the dishes or their hands/faces?   Here in NYC, many of the older buildings like mine have lead pipes.  We have good water here, but you need to let the hot water run for about at least a minute for it to get hot.  Cold water, if you're drinking it from the tap, not bottled or filtered, needs to run for at least a minute or until it gets really cold.  That is a waste of water.  How many folks leave the water running while brushing their teeth?  Wasted water.  I've taken to letting the cold water run as long as needed and then filling two half gallon milk containers and refrigerating them, so I don't have to run the water every time I want a glass.  
      July 2, 2021 9:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm a quick shower taker. I run it to get wet then shut it off ..soap up..rinse off and I'm done. A bit longer to wash my hair. I NEVER let the water run when brushing my teeth. I put water in a cup and my toothbrush in to wet it. I SHUT the water off. Elsewise otherwise people are stupid dumb selfish jerks to do anything else. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 4, 2021 11:38 AM MDT
      July 4, 2021 11:37 AM MDT