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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I BET not one FIRST GENERATION AMERICAN is among the vile vicious vermin who insurrect! NOT ONE! Why do insurrectionists HATE our country?

I BET not one FIRST GENERATION AMERICAN is among the vile vicious vermin who insurrect! NOT ONE! Why do insurrectionists HATE our country?

Why don't they get the he** out of OUR COUNTRY? They don't belong here. We don't want them here. They stench up the country and try to weaken it.

Go away. Far away. What could it hurt? Everyone says so!

Posted - July 4, 2021


  • 33814
    Following FBI and ANTIFA orders. 

    Some where simply defending their country.  These are the ones only charged with tresspassing.
      July 4, 2021 6:47 AM MDT