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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder how BIBLE BELIEVERS reconcile their hatred of "the other" with Adam & Eve. We all come from there so they are us. AND?

I wonder how BIBLE BELIEVERS reconcile their hatred of "the other" with Adam & Eve. We all come from there so they are us. AND?

That means they hate their brothers and sisters. And murder them.

The not believers go with evolution and science. SAME THING THERE. Life begins and evolves over aeons.

So how is it possible to know that and be so very ignorant? Not only that but flaunt the ignorance and use it to murder their own ilk? Stupid dumb reigns in BIBLELAND and NOT BIBLELAND equally and tragically. Ignorance is applauded lauded. Lying is rewarded. Massive hatred brings massive power. And so it goes.

Posted - July 8, 2021


  • 34481
    I have no hatred for anyone.   I am a Bible believer.
      July 8, 2021 6:48 AM MDT