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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Despot dictators are always monstrous evildoers. They REFUSE to give up power. They are also uniformly insane.Are they a TEST?

Despot dictators are always monstrous evildoers. They REFUSE to give up power. They are also uniformly insane.Are they a TEST?

Are they there just to see how we react to their AWFULNESS EVILNESS ARROGANCE CRUELTY?

Those who roll over and a**kiss fail the test.

Those who refuse to say the emperor is clothed..refuse to accept the monstrous...stand up speak up and often DIE? They are the ones who pass the test.

So monstrous despot dictator evildoers do not exist for and purpose other than to
TEST the rest of us. Which way will YOU go? Will you pass or fail?

What happens then in the thereafter? I don't know. But I don't fear it because I passed the test. Have you?

Posted - July 13, 2021
